
Symptoms ofdementiainclude memory loss, difficulty expressing thoughts, and becoming confused or disoriented. Some people with dementia may become aggressive at times and have trouble regulating their emotions.

精神病也可能是痴呆症的并发症。精神病refers to the mental state where someone is not sure what’s real or not. It can include paranoid or delusional thoughts as well as幻觉.

Managing and treating dementia-related psychosis requires understanding, patience, and a variety of different approaches. We’ll go over what researchers know so far about why this symptom occurs in dementia, and how it can be addressed.

大约 580万人 在美国,已经接受了痴呆症的诊断。研究人员认为这个数字 会加倍 by 2060. A significant portion of people with dementia will likely experience psychosis at some point.

Rates of dementia-related psychosis depend on several issues, such as:

  • 痴呆类型
  • stage or severity of dementia
  • 个人危险因素,包括其他健康状况

一项2021研究表明 20%至70% of people with dementia will experience psychosis as part of the condition.

Another study from 2020 suggests that 90% 痴呆症患者有某种行为和心理症状,包括精神病,躁动,侵略和抑郁症。

虽然任何类型的痴呆症可能会发生精神病,但某些类型的痴呆症患病率较高。这些包括Alzheimer’s disease,路易身体痴呆症和痴呆症与帕金森氏病.


然而,在一些人,精神病可能提前symptom of dementia. Hallucinations may occur during the early impairment stage. They could even develop before any other symptoms.




It’s unclear what causes some people with dementia to develop psychosis but not others. However, a few potential causes have been identified.

In people with Alzheimer’s disease, atypical depositson the brainmay be related to psychosis. These can interfere with the brain’s signaling. People with Alzheimer’s disease are more likely 体验妄想。

Lewy身体痴呆是大脑上斑块沉积物或“ Lewy身体”的结果。它们会影响大脑的化学消息传递系统。视觉幻觉是这种痴呆症患者精神病的常见症状。

与帕金森氏病有关的痴呆可能与药物有关。患有帕金森氏病的人经常患有增强多巴胺的药物对于某些症状,包括僵硬和步行问题。但是,其中一些药物 可能会导致 精神病症状的发作。


There is no standardized treatment for dementia-related psychosis. Psychosis is a complicated phenomenon that does not have a simple cure.



  • 调整环境。如果患有痴呆症的人反复出现精神病症状,则可能有助于消除这些经历的任何潜在触发因素。
    • 例如,如果他们在镜子里瞥见自己后“看到”房间里的其他人,请覆盖反光表面。
    • If dark, shadowy corners of the house worry them, use lights to illuminate these spaces.
    • The National Institute on Aging also suggests 整理家庭环境 ,使易于浏览和标记物品,以帮助使痴呆症患者更加安全。
  • Adjusting your caregiving approach.挑战某人的妄想或幻觉会使他们生气,害怕甚至是侵略性。照顾者可以通过提出问题来与亲人互动,而不是试图告诉某人不是真实的。尽量不要提高声音或大喊大叫。
  • Keeping active.整天让一个人独自一人患有痴呆症是不健康的。相反,患有痴呆症的人应该是 active and engaged 经常。计划步行,亲人参观或从事房屋周围的简单任务。

In more advanced cases, doctors may prescribe medication for dementia-related psychosis.

药物 目前正在研究和规定与痴呆有关的精神病的标签外,包括:

  • 5-羟色胺5-HT受体激动剂
  • 选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIS)
  • 非典型抗精神病药(Brexprazole,Lumateperone或pimavanserin)
  • second generation antipsychotics (especially quetiapine)
  • lithium
  • 抗惊厥药(加巴喷丁)
  • 大麻素( THC和CBD ,在大麻植物中发现的物质)

The antipsychotic pimavanserin (brand name Nuplazid) isapproved食品药品监督管理局治疗帕金森氏病的精神病。

These drugs are not without side effects. Some medications run the risk of worsening psychosis symptoms or increasing death rates in those with dementia.





While psychosis is common in people with the memory-related conditions, there are few effective medical treatments. Lifestyle adjustments, caregiving, and certain medications can help manage episodes of dementia-related psychosis.

