There is no blood test for dementia. This condition is diagnosed with:
- tests that determine your cognitive ability
- 神经学评估
- 脑扫描
- lab tests to rule out a physical basis of your symptoms
- 心理健康评估可以确定您的症状不是由抑郁等疾病引起的
因为它是如此难以诊断痴呆,you may want to get a second opinion. Don’t worry about offending your doctor or specialist. Most medical professionals understand the benefit of a second opinion. Your doctor should be happy to refer you to another doctor for a second opinion.
- Geriatricians manage health care for older adults. They know how the body changes as it ages and whether symptoms indicate a serious problem.
- 老年精神科医生专门研究老年人的心理和情感问题,可以评估记忆和思维。
- 神经科专门研究大脑和中枢神经系统的异常。他们可以对神经系统进行测试以及审查和解释脑部扫描。
- Neuropsychologists conduct tests related to memory and thinking.
Memory clinics and centers
Memory clinics and centers, such as the
Questions your doctor may ask
- 你的症状是什么?
- 他们什么时候开始的?
- 您是否一直都有它们,还是他们来来去去?
- 是什么使他们变得更好?
- What makes them worse?
- How severe are they?
- 他们会变得更糟还是保持不变?
- Have you had to stop doing things you used to do?
- Does anyone in your family have a genetic form of dementia, Huntington’s, or Parkinson’s?
- What other conditions do you have?
- 你吃什么药?
- Have you been under any unusual stress lately? Have you had any major life changes?
Questions to ask your doctor
In addition to being prepared to answer your doctor’s questions, it is helpful to write down questions you want to ask. The following are some suggestions. Add any others to the list:
- What is causing my symptoms?
- Is it treatable?
- 它是可逆的吗?
- What tests do you recommend?
- 药物会有所帮助吗?它有副作用吗?
- Will this go away or is it chronic?
- 会变得更糟吗?
You might want to consider professional counseling or a support group. Try to learn as much as you can about your condition. Make sure arrangements are made for your ongoing care, and take care of yourself. Stay physically active and involved with others. Let someone you trust help with decision-making and responsibilities.