
Dark urine is deeper in color than urine that is usually straw to yellow in color. Darker urine can be different colors, but is usually brown, deep yellow, or maroon.

Urine is produced in the kidneys. When you take in fluid or food, it passes from your消化系统, into yourcirculatory system,并进入肾脏过滤的肾脏。然后肾脏通过尿液摆脱废物和额外的液体。

输尿管是连接的管肾脏to thebladder。The bladder empties the urine via the urethra, the tube you urinate through.

Ideally, your urine would be a pale yellow in color. This would indicate you’re hydrated. Urine naturally has some yellow pigments called urobilin or urochrome. The darker urine is, the more concentrated it tends to be.


Bloody, or reddish-colored, urine,表明其他潜在问题,包括直接伤害肾脏。如果您有这些症状,那么看医生很重要。

Conditions associated with dark urine include:


有时很难区分tween dark urine due to dehydration or due to other causes. Dark urine due to dehydration is usually amber or honey-colored.


If you’re dehydrated, you can have additional symptoms besides dark urine. Examples include:





  • 塞纳的泻药
  • 化疗药物
  • rifampin
  • warfarin (Coumadin)
  • phenazopyridine


如果你有暗尿液伴随着强烈的疼痛,特别是在你的背上,你可能有肾结石或一个urinary tract infection (UTI)

If you can’t see your doctor right away or if the pain and any other symptoms get worse or are accompanied by恶心,vomiting和A.high fever, seek immediate medical attention.



  • 细菌
  • bilirubin
  • crystals
  • glucose
  • protein
  • 红细胞
  • 白血细胞


  • 如果尿液清晰,多云和集中,则会阅读视觉考试,以及其颜色。
  • Chemical tests include information about bilirubin, blood,ketones, proteins, and glucose.
  • 用于细菌存在的微观检查试验。

Ideally, the urine sample will come from the first urine you produce in the morning. This urine is most likely to show abnormalities if there are any because it is more concentrated than other urine you produce over the day.

If your urinalysis reveals unusual results, your doctor may order more targeted tests. These tests may include blood testing or a urine culture, which attempt to identify the type of bacteria in your urine.

Also, a完全血统(CBC)或全面的代谢面板可以帮助您的医生确定您的肾脏或肝功能是否受到损害。

Treatment will depend on your medical history, symptoms, and the results of any laboratory studies and other diagnostic tests.

If your urine color is due to medicines you take, you should continue taking them based on your results. Always talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your urine color in relation to the medicines you take. You can also avoid foods known to cause dark urine.

If your dark urine is due to insufficient fluid intake, you should start drinking more water. You should ideally pass at least3 cups尿液每天和任何地方无效四到六次


Any change in the color of the urine not due to eating certain foods or taking certain medications should be reported to your doctor. And contact your doctor immediately is you see blood in your urine.