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“每日冥想是很重要的,因为你是cultivating a habit,” explains Sadie Bingham, a clinical social worker who specializes in anxiety in Gig Harbor, Washington. She’s also a long-time meditator herself.


Starting a daily meditation practice can be hard, but most people find it’s easier once they start noticing some of its many好处.

Still doubtful whether you can make meditation part of your life? It’s absolutely possible, and these seven tips for success can help.


In the beginning, you may not feel very mindful or calm. You might not feelrelaxedat all. But that’s OK. Just make it a goal to take five minutes to sit with your thoughts. Be curious about them, but don’t force it.

“Eventually,” explains Bingham, “you’ll feel the tug to sit and meditate.”



If you try to make yourself meditate at a time that doesn’t work well with your schedule and responsibilities, you’ll likely just end up feeling frustrated and unmotivated to continue.

Instead, try meditating at different times to see what feels best for you. That might end up being first thing in the morning, right before bed, during a busy commute, or during your break at work.

无论您选择什么时间,都要保持与之。一致性可以帮助您的新习惯become just another part of your daily routine.


Fortunately, you don’t have to get into a certain position in order to successfully meditate. Instead, just get into a位置you can hold, one that feels easy and natural. Sitting in a chair, lying down — both are totally OK.

“Comfort is much more important than ‘looking’ like you’re meditating,” Bingham emphasizes.

If you have trouble sitting still, try meditating whileL竞技 or standing. Some people find focusing on each step helps further the meditative process, just as focusing on breath does.


“The benefits of the ritual are also important, as the process becomes a statement that your wellness matters,” Bingham says.

Still feeling a little uncertain about just how you’re supposed to meditate?

When in doubt, turn to your smartphone. There’s an app for most things these days, and meditation is no exception.

Apps, many of which are free, can start you off with引导冥想, which Bingham recommends for beginners. “A guided meditation can help prompt the active mind back to the present moment,” she explains.

You can also use apps to access:

  • 不同情况的冥想
  • calming sounds
  • 呼吸锻炼
  • podcasts
  • tools and graphics to help you learn more about meditation

你也可以个性化美联社p to follow your progress and change your meditation approach based on your present state of mind.

Some popular apps includeCalm,前空间, 和Ten Percent Happier.

It takes time to form a new habit, so don’t worry if meditationdoesn’t seem to clickfor you at first.


If you get distracted easily, ask yourself why. Are you uncomfortable? Tired? Bored? Accept these emotions and make changes accordingly—they’re giving you valuable insight. Maybe choose a different position, or try meditating earlier in the day.


This can help you have an easier time cultivating awareness on a regular basis.

Think of it this way: If you start meditating when you feel anxious and upset, you might feel a little better. But if you keep up a regular meditation practice, you might find you have an easier time managing your stressyour emotions overwhelm you.


这些事情都没有意味着你不能成功冥想。认识到你的思想徘徊时实际上是一个好事 - 意味着你正在培养意识。发生这种情况时,只需轻轻重新聚焦。通过稳定的冥想实践,您通常会在时间内开始看到好处。

那说,它isimportant to recognize when meditation does more harm than good. Although meditation helps relieve mental health symptoms for many people, not everyone finds it helpful, even with regular practice.

It’s not super common, but some do people report 增加的感受depression,焦虑, orpanic. If meditation consistently makes you feel worse, you might want to get guidance from a therapist before continuing.


Here’s a simple meditation to get you started:

  1. Find a comfortable spot where you can relax.
  2. 设置一个定时器三到五分钟。
  3. 首先关注你的呼吸。注意每个吸气和呼气的感觉。以一种感觉自然的方式缓慢而深入地呼吸。
  4. As soon as your thoughts begin to wander, acknowledge the thoughts that come up, let them go, and return your focus to your breathing. Don’t worry if this keeps happening—it will.
  5. 当你的时间起了,睁开眼睛。注意你的周围环境,你的身体,你的感受。你可能会感到不同,你可能不是。但随着时间的推移,你可能会发现自己越来越能成为自己的经验以及周围环境。在冥想后,这些感觉迟到了。

Ready for something new? Try abody scanor learn more about不同类型的冥想.



Crystal Raypole先前已作为作家和编辑服务进行良性。她的兴趣领域包括亚洲语言和文学,日语翻译,烹饪,自然科学,性阳性和心理健康。特别是,她致力于帮助减少心理健康问题的耻辱。