


  • evaluate your health
  • determine whether it’s safe for you to get pregnant
  • guide you through pregnancy

You’ll also work closely with the pulmonologist who treats your cystic fibrosis throughout your pregnancy.

Here’s a preview of what to expect as you begin planning a family.



  • 早产。这是当你的宝宝出生在怀孕37周之前。天生过早的婴儿面临着呼吸困难和感染等并发症的风险。
  • Gestational diabetes.这是母亲在怀孕期间患有高血糖的时候。糖尿病可能会像肾脏和眼睛一样损伤器官。它也可能导致发展中的婴儿的并发症。
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).This is increased resistance due to stiffer blood vessels. When blood pressure is high during pregnancy, it can reduce blood flow to your baby, slow your baby’s growth, and lead to premature delivery.
  • Nutritional deficiency.这可以防止宝宝在子宫内生长。

There’s a possibility you could pass cystic fibrosis to your baby. For that to happen, your partner also needs to carry the abnormal gene. Your partner can get a blood or saliva test before you conceive to check his carrier status.


  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is done between the 10th and 13th weeks of pregnancy. Your doctor will insert a long, thin needle into your belly and will remove a sample of tissue for testing. Alternately, the doctor can take a sample using a thin tube placed into your cervix and gentle suction.
  • 羊膜穿刺术是在怀孕的第15和第20周之间进行的。医生将一根薄的空心针插入腹部,从宝宝周围移除羊水样品。实验室然后测试液体进行囊性纤维化。

These prenatal tests can cost a few thousand dollars, depending on where you have them done. Most health insurance plans will cover the cost for women over age 35 and for women with known risks.


A little bit of planning and extra care during your pregnancy will help ensure the best possible outcome for both you and your baby. Here are a few things you can do.

Eat right


Your doctor may recommend starting your pregnancy with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 22. If your BMI is lower than that, you may need to increase your calorie intake before you conceive.

Once you’re pregnant, you’ll need an extra 300 calories daily. If you can’t reach that number with food alone, drink nutritional supplements.

Sometimes severe morning sickness or cystic fibrosis can prevent you from getting enough calories to meet your baby’s needs. In this case, your doctor might suggest getting your nutrition intravenously. This is called parenteral nutrition.

Here are a few other nutritional tips to follow during your pregnancy:

  • Drink lots of water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and add fiber to your diet to prevent constipation.
  • 确保你得到足够的叶酸,铁和维生素D.这些营养素对宝宝的发展至关重要。有时患有囊性纤维化的人不会得到足够的。



Also, consult a dietitian before you start any new exercise program. You need enough nutrition to support your increased calorie requirements.

Other tips to ensure a healthy pregnancy

See your doctors often. Schedule regular prenatal visits with your high-risk obstetrician, but also continue to see the doctor who treats your cystic fibrosis.


留在你的药物。除非你的医生pecifically told you to stop a medication during pregnancy, take it regularly to manage your cystic fibrosis.

Medication is a necessary part of managing cystic fibrosis. The good news is, most medications that treat the condition are considered safe for your baby.

However, there are a few drugs you should use with caution. There’s a slight chance they could increase the risk of birth defects or other problems in your unborn baby. Drugs to watch include:

  • 抗生素等环丙沙星(Cipro),克拉霉素,乳霉素,强霉素(oracea,targadox),庆大霉素(Gentak),iniipenem(primaxin iv),梅洛涅姆(merrm),甲硝唑(Metrocrocam),甲苯胺唑(Metrocrocam),利福平(步法蛋白),三甲双胍 - 磺胺甲恶唑(Bactrim),万古霉素(昆腾)
  • 像氟康唑(Diflucan),昔昔尔(Zirgan),伊丙康唑(Sporanox),Posaconazole(Noxafil),伏立康唑(VFEND)等抗真菌药物
  • Acyclovir(Zovirax)如抗病毒药物
  • 双膦酸盐加强骨骼
  • 囊性纤维化药物,如IVACAFTOR(KALYDECO)和Lumacaftor / Ivacaftor(Orkambi)
  • Ranitidine(Zantac)治疗胃灼热和胃食管反流
  • transplant medications to prevent rejection, such as azathioprine (Azasan), mycophenolate
  • ursodiol (URSO Forte, URSO 250) to dissolve gallstones

Talk to your doctor if you take any of these medications. You’ll need to weigh the benefits and risks of staying on any drugs that could cause problems during pregnancy. Your doctor may be able to switch you to an alternate drug until you deliver.

大多数有这种情况的女性都可以怀孕,但它可能需要比平时更长。囊性纤维化在整个身体中增稠粘液 - 包括宫颈中的粘液。更厚的粘液使男人的精子越难进入子宫颈并施肥鸡蛋。


If you’ve tried for several months to get pregnant, but you haven’t been successful, talk to a fertility specialist. Medications to increase your egg production or assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization may improve your chances of conceiving.


They and their partner will need IVF to conceive. During IVF, the doctor removes an egg from the woman and sperm from the man, combines them in a laboratory dish, and transfers the embryo into the woman’s uterus.


