克罗恩病是慢性炎症性肠病(IBD)这可能会在任何区域引起炎症gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Often, Crohn’s disease occurs at the lower end of the small intestine where it joins with the large intestine (colon).

Common symptoms of Crohn’s include cramping, diarrhea, and constipation. But this disease can affect more than just your GI tract. In fact, a few of the possible side effects of Crohn’s disease can happen in completely different — and unexpected — areas of your body.

继续阅读以了解六种令人惊讶的方式Crohn’s disease可以影响您的身体以及可以采取什么措施来缓解症状。

Up to 50 percent 有克罗恩的人会成长mouth ulcers在某些时候由于他们的状况。有时,这些疮是疾病的第一个迹象。它们也可能是对治疗该疾病的某些药物的反应。

The most prevalent type of mouth ulcer is a minor aphthous ulcer, commonly referred to as acanker sore,最多可以持续2周。

A small portion of people with Crohn’s may also get major aphthous ulcers, which are larger and can take up to 6 weeks to heal.

Cobblestoning, which presents as swollen, raised bumps along the inside lining of the cheeks and behind the lips, is another type of mouth lesion that can occur with Crohn’s. These bumps can be painful and can make eating difficult at times. Topical steroids may be one form of treatment.



Treatment of Crohn’s-related mouth ulcers usually consists of staying on course with your Crohn’s medication and disease management. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe局部类固醇immunosuppressive drugs.

Anemiais another possible side effect of Crohn’s disease.


Some of the main symptoms of anemia are:

  • 弱点
  • 疲劳
  • pale skin
  • 头晕
  • headaches

Anemia is a common complication of Crohn’s. It’s usually treated with a course of铁补充剂, either taken orally or through intravenous therapy (an IV).

Anintestinal stricture是肠道中的变窄,使食物很难通过。在某些情况下,它们可能导致完全肠道阻塞。

It’s believed that people living with Crohn’s sometimes develop intestinal strictures because of scar tissue buildup caused by long periods of inflammation.


  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • 严重的抽筋
  • 便秘


Anal fissures是肛门管的组织中的小泪。患有克罗恩病的人有时会由于其肠道中的慢性炎症而产生肛门裂缝,使该组织更容易撕裂。

Symptoms of anal fissures include:

  • 排便期间和之后的疼痛
  • 凳子上的鲜红色血

Anal fissures often heal on their own after a few weeks. If symptoms persist, anal fissures can be treated with topical anesthetics, botox injections, or externally appliednitroglycerin治疗。在更严重的情况下,手术也是一种选择。

Afistulais an abnormal connection (or tunnel) between your bowel and another organ or between your bowel and your skin. Roughly1分之一克罗恩斯(Crohn's)的人会在某个时候发展瘘管。

瘘管can occur in people with Crohn’s due to inflammation spreading through the bowel wall. This inflammation causes the formation of small leaks and abscesses (ulcers). As the abscess grows, it can create a hole. This hole then becomes a channel linking the bowel to another organ or skin.

Anal fistulas are the most common type, but bowel to bladder, bowel to vagina, bowel to skin, and bowel to bowel fistulas are also possible. Fistula symptoms depend on which type you have.


Arthritis, an often painful inflammation of the joints, is one of the more unexpected side effects of Crohn’s disease.克罗恩病患者中最常见的关节炎类型是外周关节炎。

外周关节炎affects the larger joints like the knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles. The level of joint inflammation typically mirrors the amount of inflammation in the colon. If left untreated, the pain can last up to several weeks.



Although Crohn’s disease is generally associated with diarrhea and abdominal pain, its symptoms are wide-ranging and can affect other parts of your body.

If you’re living with Crohn’s disease or think you might be, talk with your doctor. There are many ways to ease both Crohn’s and the additional symptoms that come with it. Relief can be just around the corner.

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