Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). More than half a million people 在美国拥有它。无法治愈,但是治疗可以effectively manage它带来缓解。

有人Crohn’s disease可能会担心他们的病情如何影响他们的生育能力或受孕儿童的能力。炎症,营养缺乏症,某些药物和手术都会影响您的生育能力和性健康IBD

克罗恩的人的心理健康状况率较高,例如沮丧焦虑, which can decrease libido. Symptoms of IBD can also make people feel对自己的身体的自我意识intimacy

Many people who have Crohn’s are able to safely conceive. Research to understand how Crohn’s affects fertility is still ongoing, but let’s take a look at what we know so far.

有炎症性肠病的妇女(萤火虫ing Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis) have similar fertility rates as women who do not, according to a 2021评论 医学文献。具有IBD的妇女确实有更高的并发症风险,例如早产和cesarean delivery,虽然发现 混合

Women who have Crohn’s may have slightly lower fertility rates than the general population, according to a 2015 U.K. study 2021 Swedish study 。后一项研究得出的结论是,在克罗恩斯出现时,肠切除手术和骨膜疾病降低了生育能力。

在另一个 2021评论 , women with Crohn’s disease were found to have infertility rates of 3 to 15 percent. This is slightly higher than infertility rates of women without Crohn’s, which ranges from 2.4 to 14 percent.


药物sulfasalazineis often used for treating Crohn’s disease. It can 暂时减少 精子计数和产生的精子的生存能力。磺胺嗪治疗后,精子可能需要几个月的时间才能恢复健康水平。

A note on gender and sex terminology

Most research surrounding fertility and IBD separates participants into male and female sex categories and uses gender and sex terminology interchangeably.性别和性别不一样,两者都发生在频谱上



There’s no single component of IBD that damages someone’s fertility. Many people with IBD will have little to no effects on fertility or libido.


Let’s look at some common concerns and research findings.


结肠切除手术后,患有克罗恩氏的妇女可能很难怀孕。这种类型的手术有时会 损害 生殖器官并在该地区留下疤痕组织。



一些 学习 已经提出,管理IBD症状管理不善的人可能比没有IBD的人更高。同样尚不清楚IBD是否可以增加患有先天性疾病的孩子的机会。

There’s a chance Crohn’s can flare during pregnancy, even if you were in remission when you got pregnant. This is why it’s essential to have active treatment for your IBD during pregnancy and work with your doctor to safely address any symptom flare-ups should they arise.

Crohn’s and sperm count

A 2019 review 在14项研究中,关于所有类型的IBD如何影响男性生育能力的质量研究。

From what we do know, it seems most people with Crohn’s have no issue with having normal levels of healthy, viable sperm. Medications for Crohn’s, especially sulfasalazine, can cause a temporary reduction in sperm quality and sperm count. Switching to a different medication for several months typically solves this issue.



医学文献 指出了关于克罗恩斯和生育的广泛误解,这是许多克罗恩·普(Crohn)放弃孩子的人的一部分。

research suggesting IBD can affect fertility and reproductive health, many people with Crohn’s are able to have healthy, safe pregnancies. Managing Crohn’s symptoms effectively is key.


Your sexual and reproductive health is no one’s business but your own. While everyone deserves access to the information and care surrounding fertility that they need, no one should face judgment for the decisions they make regarding their own sexual and reproductive health.


Achieve remission


一位2021评论发现,在构思时活跃IBD的女性 twice the risk 怀孕期间持续的症状比在缓解时期开始怀孕的人。



学习更多关于the types of用于治疗克罗恩病的手术溃疡性结肠炎


Medications used to manage IBD in women won’t generally affect fertility, but certain medications can impact sperm count and quality in men.




也有可能freeze eggs或者精子for later use, should you have concerns over your fertility due to Crohn’s symptoms or treatments, such as surgery.

Young men who have Crohn’s are 经常建议 在前肠结构切除术(切除结肠和直肠)或其他手术之前,要向河岸精子进行。




Over time, this can lead to营养不良,这可能会阻止您的身体成功执行其功能,包括生殖系统。营养不良的症状可能包括体重减轻,贫血和疲劳。


营养修饰可以是一种方法 提升 fertility outcomes for men, even if you don’t have IBD. Working with a nutritionist to adjust your diet or add nutrient supplements can help. It’s important to always take any vitamins and supplements exactly as directed.

If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, tell your doctor about every medication or supplement you take.

克罗恩(Crohn)可以以超越生育能力的方式影响您的性健康。克罗恩病的人 经常报告 由于状况而导致性别的自尊心低下。


There’s also the mental health component of Crohn’s that can further affect body image, relationships, and intimacy. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are linked to an 增加机会 of depression and anxiety. Depression, and some medications used to treat it, can also be responsible for lowering libido.



A 2021研究 发现IBD患者的性功能障碍并未通过治疗克罗恩(Crohn)独自解决。研究人员建议除了管理IBD症状外,还要纳入精神和性保健方法。



学习更多关于talk therapy性疗法to decide what might be the next best steps for you.

Research indicates that people who are effectively managing their Crohn’s disease have similar fertility rates as those without any type of IBD.

