Do you ever get an urge to crunch on a piece of ice? If you do, you’re not alone.

You might think you’re craving for ice has something to do with the hot weather outside. And while a frozen cube of water can quench your thirst in the middle of summer, there are actually a few medical reasons you may be craving the frozen water in your freezer.

你可以吃冰的原因。这里基于“增大化现实”技术e the common reasons people crave ice:


如果你是experiencing an insatiable craving to eat ice, you may have a condition calledpica。“In medical terms, pica is a disorder defined by a desire to eat substances that lack any nutritional value,” explains Dr. Sarina Pasricha, MD, MSCR.


虽然没有pica或pagophagia的原因,但如果您有iron deficiency anemia。Malnutrition or a mental health disorder may also be the culprit.

picais often seen in children and may have a psychological basis, such asobsessive-compulsive disorderor a pediatric developmental disorder. It’s also commonly related to an underlying nutrient deficiency, typically iron. This then results in anemia.


You don’t have to receive a diagnosis of pica to crave ice. Some people with贫血may crave ice as a result of an iron deficiency. Onestudyproposed that this is because ice gives people with anemia a mental boost. Anemia is a medical condition in which your blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. This results in less energy.

Other symptoms of anemia include:

  • shortness of breath
  • 头晕
  • weakness


如果你是pregnant,您的医生可能会发现您患有贫血。“由于对血液供应和血液供应,营养摄入量不佳或异常出血的需求,孕妇通常是贫血的。”医学博士C. Nicole Swiner博士。即使您没有贫血病史,也可能在怀孕期间变得不足。


  • 怀孕会导致恶心和呕吐,这
    can lead to dehydration. In this case, eating ice allows you to stay hydrated
  • Since ice has no odor or taste, many women crave
    ice during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy increases a woman’s metabolic rate and
    women to feel increasingly hot and therefore crave cold items such as ice.

Pasricha recommends seeing your doctor if your desire to eat or chew ice continues to increase for at least one month. Your doctor will likely perform basic lab work to test for iron deficiency anemia, which needs to be evaluated and treated.

It’s also a good idea to have your teeth evaluated.Chewing iceover time can ruin enamel. Ask your doctor to look at your teeth. They can tell you if a visit to the dentist is necessary.




