What is a cranial CT scan?

头颅CT扫描是诊断工具用于create detailed pictures of features inside your head, such as your skull, brain, paranasal sinuses, ventricles, and eye sockets. CT stands for computed tomography, and this type of scan is also referred to as a CAT scan. A cranial CT scan is known by a variety of names as well, including brain scan, head scan, skull scan, and sinus scan.

This procedure is noninvasive, meaning it doesn’t require surgery. It’s usually suggested to investigate various symptoms involving the nervous system before turning to invasive procedures.


  • 头骨骨头的异常
  • arteriovenous malformation, or abnormal blood vessels
  • atrophy of brain tissue
  • birth defects
  • 脑动脉瘤
  • 大脑出血或流血
  • 脑积水, or fluid buildup in your skull
  • infections or swelling
  • injuries to your head, face, or skull
  • stroke
  • tumors

Your doctor may order a cranial CT scan if you’ve had an injury or display any of these symptoms with no apparent cause:

  • fainting
  • headache
  • seizures,特别是如果最近发生
  • 突然的行为变化或思维变化
  • 听力损失
  • vision loss
  • muscle weakness or numbness and tingling
  • 语音困难
  • 吞咽困难

A cranial CT scan can also be used to guide other procedures such as surgery or biopsy.

A cranial CT scanner takes a series of X-rays. A computer then puts these X-ray images together to create detailed pictures of your head. These images help your doctor make a diagnosis.


On the day of the procedure, you must remove jewelry and other metal objects. They can damage the scanner and interfere with the X-rays.


It’s very important that you remain completely still during the exam. Even a little movement can blur the images.

Some people find the CT scanner stressful or claustrophobic. Your doctor may suggest a sedative to keep you calm during the procedure. A sedative will also help keep you still. If your child is having the CT scan, their doctor may recommend a sedative for these same reasons.


Images can be seen immediately on a monitor. They will be stored for later viewing and printed. For your security, the CT scanner has a microphone and speakers for two-way communication with the scanner operator.

Contrast dye helps highlight some areas better on CT images. For example, it can highlight and emphasize blood vessels, intestines, and other areas. The dye is given through an intravenous line inserted into a vein of your arm or hand.



The scanner table is very narrow. Ask if there is a weight limit for the CT scanner table if you weigh more than 300 pounds.



Side effects and risks for a cranial CT scan involve discomfort, exposure to radiation, and allergic reaction to the contrast dye.






CT scans expose you to some radiation. Doctors generally agree that the risks are low compared to the potential risk of not being diagnosed with a dangerous health problem. The risk from a single scan is small, but it increases if you have many X-rays or CT scans over time. Newer scanners may expose you to less radiation than older models.

告诉您的医生,如果您怀孕了。您的医生也许可以避免通过使用其他测试使宝宝接触到辐射。这些可能包括主MRIscan or ultrasound, which don’t use radiation.

Allergic reaction to contrast


Contrast dye commonly contains iodine and may cause nausea, vomiting, rash, hives, itching, or sneezing in people who are allergic to iodine. You may be given steroids or antihistamines to help with these symptoms before you receive the dye injection. after the test, you may need to drink extra fluids to help flush the iodine from the body if you havediabetes或肾脏疾病。

In very rare cases, contrast dye can causeanaphylaxis,一种可以威胁生命的全身过敏反应。如果您呼吸困难,请立即通知扫描仪操作员。



Your doctor will discuss the radiologist’s report with you. Depending on the results, your doctor might order more tests. Or if they’re able to reach a diagnosis, they will go over next steps with you, if any.