
Constipation isn’t typically a symptom of COVID-19, but it may be in some cases. Factors like medication, dietary changes, gut bacteria changes, and physical activity changes can all contribute to its development.


Constipation isn’t a typical symptom of COVID-19, but COVID-19 may lead to constipation for some people either directly or indirectly.

一种 案例分析 published in May 2020 described a man with COVID-19 who came to the hospital with a fever, cough, nausea, constipation, and abdominal pain. Acomputerized tomography (CT)scan showed that he had colonic ileus, which is when the muscles of the intestines stop contracting.

一种 study published in June 2020 reported a number of people with COVID-19 were admitted to a hospital in Iran with various gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms including constipation. Researchers have found that the gut microbiome of people with COVID-19 discharged from the hospital differs from the gut microbiome of the general population. It’s thought this change may contribute to GI symptoms.

在一个 2月2021年2月 , researchers examined the effects of a fecal microbiota transplantation on a group of 11 people with COVID-19 discharged from the hospital with GI symptoms. Three of the people had constipation.

一种fecal microbiota transplantation is a procedure that involves the transfer of healthy bacteria into the intestines. All three people with constipation saw improvements in symptoms after the procedure.

Medications that lead to constipation

Some drugs used to treat COVID-19 may also lead to constipation.

在一个 2021年的研究 ,研究人员检查了治疗Covid-19的潜在疗法。他们将便秘作为药物对Famotidine和Bevacizumab的副作用。在一个 May 2020 study ,研究人员发现,14%的人治疗抗病毒药物雷迪尔的雷达尔开发了便秘。

The medications lopinavir ,利巴韦林,一些免疫调节药物也可能导致Covid-19人的便秘。


Increased stress and anxiety may increase constipation in people with肠易激综合征(IBS)

在一个 3月2021年3月的研究 在临床胃肠病学杂志中发表,44%的人患有IBS和焦虑或抑郁症报告的便秘增加。增加归因于Covid-19大流行造成的心理困扰,而不是Covid-19感染。

症状that affect the digestive system are reported in up to 74 percent 有covid-19的人。Covid-19最常见的GI症状包括:

  • 腹泻。Diarrhea已报告 2 to 50 percent of COVID-19 cases and seems to be more common in people with severe disease.
  • 呕吐。一种 review of studies 发表于消化药理学与治疗方法found that 3.6 to 15.9 percent of adults and 6.5 to 66.7 percent of children with COVID-19 experienced vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.一种review of 60 studies found 26.8 percent of people with COVID-19 experienced a loss of appetite.
  • Nausea.The study published in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics found 1 to 29.4 percent of people with COVID-19 experienced nausea.
  • 腹痛。发现了同一研究 2.2 to 6 percent of people experienced abdominal pain.

一种lthough COVID-19 doesn’t typically cause constipation, other factors related to the infection may indirectly cause it. A lack of physical activity from stay-at-home orders and quarantines can lead to what has become known as “quarantine constipation.”

When you stop being active or reduce your activity, your bowels don’t push stools through as efficiently. Increased time spent sitting may also compress your colon and contribute to constipation.

Changes in your diet, increased stress levels, and changes in hydration may also all contribute to constipation if you’ve been staying at home more often.

Exercising at home,寻找减轻压力的方法,继续吃健康的饮食,并保持水合可能都有助于缓解你的症状。

据A. study that analyzed the symptoms of more than 24,000 people with COVID-19, the most commonly reported symptoms were:




Medical emergency

致电911并让调度员知道您的症状,或者如果您有以下症状,请访问最近的急诊室 CDC列表作为紧急情况

  • trouble breathing
  • persistent pain or pressure in your chest
  • 新的混乱
  • an inability to wake up or stay awake
  • 苍白、灰色或蓝色颜色的皮肤、嘴唇、指甲
  • 任何其他不寻常或讨论的其他任何事情


If you think you have COVID-19, you should isolate yourself from other people for 10 days and only visit a doctor if you have emergency symptoms. If your symptoms are mild, you can treat COVID-19 at home by resting and staying hydrated.