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Joe + Kathrina/Stocksy United

最常见的症状COVID-19include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. However,neurological symptoms- 那些影响您的大脑和神经系统的人 - 报告 25 percent 开发共vid-19的人。

Lingering “brain fog” is one neurological symptom that people with COVID-19 commonly report. In some cases, brain fog, or cognitive impairment, can last many months after the disease has passed.



Symptoms of brain fog can include:



Researchers are still investigating the potential cause of brain fog in people who’ve had COVID-19. It’s thought that both physiological and psychological factors may play a role.


Once in your system, the coronavirus enters cells through an enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. The virus is neuro-invasive, meaning that it can enter your brain tissue.

很多的 case studies 已经发现,有些与19 Covid-19的人发生了并发症,例如改变意识或脑病。Encephalopathy是指大脑损害或疾病的一般术语。

一个 study from January 2021 found increased levels of inflammatory cytokines in the fluid surrounding the brains of people weeks after their COVID-19 infection. Cytokines are molecules produced by your immune system that encourage inflammation.


研究人员也有 identified Covid-19之后,海马和大脑其他区域的微结构变化。他们认为这些变化也可能导致认知障碍。

Other factors that may contribute to brain fog

一个s mentioned above, inflammation in and around your brain may contribute to brain fog. However, there are other ways that COVID-19 may indirectly lead to brain fog as well.



One recent 分析 表明,有7.5%至31%的人经历了精神状态的改变,作为19 Covid-19的症状。但是,该估计基于小型研究,可能不适用于较大的人群。

一个nother recent study reports that neurological symptoms could be more widespread than originally thought and may occur in up to 69 percent of people who’ve had severe illness with COVID-19.

目前,目前尚不清楚为什么有些人会发展大脑雾,而其他人则没有。患有严重案例Covid-19的人似乎处于 higher risk for developing neurological symptoms than people with mild disease.

严重的与大脑有关的并发症 delirium,,,,发作,,,,and inflammation of the brain and surrounding tissues are most common in critically ill patients.

It’s still not clear how long brain fog typically lasts after COVID-19. Some people report brain fog that lingers for weeks or months after their respiratory symptoms have gone away.

一个 study 2020年12月出版的发现,约有28%的人在Covid-19的住院后超过100天患有挥之不去的浓度问题。

In another study ,研究人员发现了一群60 patients who’d recovered from COVID-19, 55 percent still had neurological symptoms 3 months after their illness. These symptoms included:

  • 情绪变化
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • visual disturbances


  • 睡个好觉。Getting good quality sleep can help your body repair and recover.
  • Get regular exercise.Physical activity isn’t only beneficial to your heart and lungs, it’s also a great way to boost your brain function.
  • 吃好。Try to eat a均衡,健康饮食为了给您的身体,它需要恢复健康所需的营养。
  • 一个void tobacco and alcohol.Staying away from tobacco products and alcohol can help minimize inflammation in your brain.



If you have COVID-19, it’s important that you seek immediate medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • 呼吸困难
  • ongoing pain or pressure in your chest
  • rapid heart rate
  • new mental confusion
  • trouble staying awake or difficulty waking
  • 蓝色指甲or嘴唇

