

The blood you cough up may come from your:

  • nose
  • 上航道
  • lungs

The medical term for coughing up blood ishemoptysis

It’s important to contact your doctor anytime you cough up blood, as it may be a sign 严重的呼吸状况。


Blood that comes from the lungs or respiratory tract will often appear bubbly. This is because it mixes with air and mucus in the lungs.

The color可以范围from rust-colored to bright red. The mucus may be entirely tainted with blood or only contain streaks of blood mixed with mucus.


A number of different issues can cause a person to cough up blood, ranging from irritation of the throat to lung cancer.



根据2015 research, in a doctor’s office setting (outpatient visit), the most common causes of coughing up blood are:

In the hospital setting (inpatient), people who are coughing up blood are more likely to have:


Rare causes

There are some potentially serious causes of coughing up blood. These require immediate medical treatment. Examples include:

Certain medical tests and procedures can also have side effects that lead to coughing up blood. These tests and procedures include:


医学专业将做一个初始物理al assessment to determine if you’re in immediate danger. This will include a discussion of symptoms and checking your ability to breathe. A doctor may also try to understand your overall health status by testing your:

  • 血压
  • heart rate
  • 呼吸频率
  • 氧饱和度

要弄清楚导致一个人咳血,医生可以订购额外的测试, including

  • 血液测试。A doctor will take blood samples to determine what diseases or conditions may be causing the person to cough up blood.
  • X射线。A radiographer can use these images to look for damage or other issues in the chest.
  • CT血管造影。在该测试中,人们在CT扫描之前接受静脉注射特殊染料。该染料显示为CT扫描图像上的对比色调。然后,医疗专业人员可以评估可能是什么引起流血在肺部和病情有多严重。
  • Bronchoscopy.A doctor will move a thin tube with a light, called a bronchoscope, into the person’s nose or mouth and down their windpipe to the lungs. A camera on the tool will allow medical professionals to look for visible signs of bleeding.
  • 肺活检。在一个lung biopsy,医疗专业人员将从肺部去除并检查一块组织。
  • Lung VQ scan.Doctors may use alung VQ scanto evaluate blood flow and airflow to the lungs.

根据原因,可以通过多种方式对咳血进行治疗。如果罪魁祸首是简单的喉咙刺激过度咳嗽, 在柜台喉lozenges and cough suppressantsmay be enough.


In cases of severe bleeding, you’ll need to go to the hospital. A doctor may recommend a procedure known as血管内栓塞that stops bleeding. Other procedures or surgeries may be necessary depending on the cause.

Coughing up blood is often a symptom of a disease, condition, or illness. Ignoring the symptom may allow the underlying cause to worsen.



Coughing up blood can be a sign of a serious condition. Even if a doctor might diagnose the cause as something minor, you should always seek medical attention.

