Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)is a disease that causesbreathing difficulties

It’s the fourth most common cause of death among people in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 。Getting treatment and developing healthy lifestyle habits are essential to improving your outlook with this condition.

In addition to causing breathing difficulties, COPD can also lead to significant weight loss.

According to a literature review published in the Journal of Translational Internal Medicine,25 to 40 percentof people with COPD have low body weight. Unintentional weight loss is a sign of a serious issue, especially if you lose quite a few pounds in a short amount of time.

To promote good quality of life and overall health with COPD, it’s important to learn how to maintain your weight and meet your nutritional needs.

Eating enoughcaloriesandnutrientsis essential to supporting your:

  • breathing
  • immune system
  • energy levels

COPD develops as a result of lung damage. There are two main forms of this disease:

Chronic bronchitis causes severe inflammation (swelling) and irritation in the airways of yourlungs。这反过来会导致粘液积聚。这种粘液blocks your airways, making it difficult to breathe properly.

Emphysema develops whenair sacsin your lungs are damaged. Without enough air sacs, your lungs can’t properly take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Smokingis the most commoncauseof COPD. Breathing issues and constant cough (or “smoker’s cough”) are often the first signs of the disease.

Othersymptomsof COPD include:

COPD develops slowly. You may not notice any bothersome symptoms until the disease has progressed past the early stages.

Many people with COPD receive an advanced-stage diagnosis because they seek medical attention late.

Weight loss is a sign ofsevere COPD

At this stage of the disease, damage to your lungs becomes so severe that your lung volume expands in size, which eventually flattens yourdiaphragm, reducing the amount of space between your lungs and stomach.

When this happens, your lungs and stomach may push against one another and cause discomfort when you eat. A flattened diaphragm also makes breathing more difficult.

Eating too fast or eating certain foods may triggerbloatingor indigestion, which can also make it harder to breathe. This might discourage you from eating regular, healthy meals as well.


  • salty foods
  • spicy foods
  • fried foods
  • high-fiber foods
  • carbonated drinks
  • caffeine

Sometimes, the physical exertion of preparing foods can be too much for people with COPD. You might feel fatigued or out of breath when cooking. This might discourage you from making snacks and meals.

COPD can also contribute to mental health issues, which can in turn affect your appetite and eating habits. When you’re coping with the effects of COPD, it’s not uncommon to experiencedepressionoranxiety

Such mental health challenges affect everyone differently. Some people eat more and gain weight, while others eat less and lose weight.

Even if you have a good appetite, your body burns more calories while breathing with damaged lungs than it would with healthy lungs.

According to theCOPD Foundation, people with this condition need an extra 430 to 720 calories per day.

High calorie needs, and not being able to meet them, can lead to unintentional weight loss.

Beingunderweightis often associated withpoor nutrition。In people with COPD, the effects of poor nutrition can be particularly serious.

Not getting enough nutrients weakens your immune system and increases your risk forinfections。This is why many people with COPD are hospitalized withchest infections

Being underweight and malnourished can also make you feel extremely tired.Chronic fatiguemakes it difficult to complete everyday tasks.

To increase your body weight while making sure you get the proper nutrients, it may help to:

In some cases, yourdoctorordietitianmay encourage you to add a nutritional supplement to your diet.

Simplify your snacks and meals

Finding ways to prepare snacks and meals more easily might also help you meet your nutritional needs.

For example, you can reduce some of the physical work cooking involves by buying:

  • precut produce
  • microwaveable meals
  • other packaged products

Cut back on sodium

When you’re shopping for preprepared or packaged food products, look forlow-sodium options。Eatingtoo much sodiumcauses your body to retain water, which puts more pressure on your lungs.

Pay attention to your mental health

If you notice that you’ve lost weight around the same time that you’ve been experiencing feelings ofdepression,anxiety, orstress, consider asking your doctor about ways to improve your mental health.

Antidepressantsand other treatments may help you manage your weight while improving your mood and outlook on life.

For more tips and support, your doctor may refer you to a registered dietitian or other specialist. A registered dietitian can help you develop ways to adjust your diet while coping with COPD.

There’s no cure for COPD, but taking steps totreatandmanagethe condition can help improve your health and quality of life.

Maintaining a healthy weight and eatingnutrient-rich foodsare essential for meeting your body’s health needs with COPD. It’s also helpful to avoid foods that trigger or worsen your symptoms.

To meet your weight management and nutrition goals, try to make a few small changes to your diet and eating habits at a time. For more tips, consider making an appointment with a registered dietitian.