



肺炎occurs when germs like bacteria or viruses enter the lungs, creating an infection.

According to the 疾病预防与控制中心 ,肺炎的常见病毒原因是流感病毒,会引起流感和呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)。疾病预防控制中心还指出,细菌性肺炎的常见原因是肺炎链球菌

肺炎是排名均匀influenzaas the eighth leading cause of death in the country. The illness is especially dangerous for those with a weakened pulmonary system, such as those who have COPD. For these people, it can cause further inflammatory damage in the lungs.

This can lead to a chain reaction of illnesses that can weaken the lungs even further and lead to a rapid deterioration of health in people with COPD.

Overall good health is key to preventing infections in people with COPD. Here are some tips for reducing your risk of infection:

  • 喝大量液体,尤其是水,以保持健康的细支气管,同时稀疏粘液和分泌物。
  • 戒烟吸烟以维持健康的免疫系统和肺部健康。
  • Wash your hands consistently.
  • 避免与您认识的人接触呼吸道感染。
  • 阻止病假的朋友和家人参观您的家。
  • 获取肺炎疫苗和年度流感疫苗。

COPD最关键的并发症之一是heart failure


According to the 美国胸腔学会 ,这可能导致严重的肺动脉高压到5%至10%的晚期COPD患者发生的右侧心力衰竭。


But because many of the symptoms of heart failure can be the same as those of COPD, it may be difficult for people to recognize that they’re having heart issues.

The first step to preventing heart failure is to slow the progression of COPD. Here are a few simple ways you can do this:

  • Engage in mild to moderate physical activity to build up heart and lung stamina.
  • Stick to your COPD treatment plan as directed by your doctor.
  • Give up smoking as soon as possible.


However, smoking may not be the only connection between COPD and lung cancer. Exposure to other chemicals in the environment that irritate the lungs may cause a person to be prone to developing COPD or lung cancer. Genetics may also play a role.

Since lung cancer is often fatal, it’s important that people with COPD avoid factors that further damage the lungs, especially smoking.

COPDdoesn’t causediabetes mellitus,但这可能使管理糖尿病的困难症状更加困难。同时患有COPD和糖尿病的一个重要并发症是某些用于治疗COPD的药物的潜力,可对葡萄糖控制产生不利影响。




Work with your doctor to ensure that the medications they prescribe will work to treat both conditions with minimal adverse effect on either. This can help you effectively manage these two diseases at once.

The gradual mental decline of many people with severe COPD can be tough on loved ones. Cognitive impairment, which occurs in those with dementia, is especially prevalent in older people with COPD, making managing symptoms even more difficult.


You can help prevent dementia by taking these steps:

  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Manage diabetes and cholesterol levels.
  • 不要抽烟产品。
  • Keep your mind sharp by regularly engaging in mentally stimulating activities, such as crossword puzzles and other brain games.

COPDis the third leading死亡原因in the United States. Doctors are usually unable to give an exact prognosis after a person receives a COPD diagnosis. Some people may live only a matter of months, while others live for years.

预期寿命德pends greatly on a person’s age at the time of diagnosis and other health conditions. Those with moderate to severe COPD will usually have reduced life expectancy despite their age.

Respiratory failure is a common COPD-related cause of death. After months, years, or even decades of struggling with lung problems, the lungs eventually stop working altogether.

