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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 每100名成年人中有近14个 in the United States smoke cigarettes. In 2015, 68%的成年吸烟者 told the CDC that they wanted to quit.

Quitting smoking is possible. Since 2002, former smokers have outnumbered current smokers.


Experts in smoking cessation have begun implementing Eastern strategies, such as acupuncture and herbs. These natural approaches to smoking cessation offer promising results. They’ve been shown to help curb cravings and assist people in overcomingnicotine addiction

Cravings can persist even after nicotine has left your system. The human body must detoxify all traces of您系统中的尼古丁在您的渴望消失之前。

针刺, extremely thin needles are inserted into particular points on the body to stimulate and improve energy flow to certain areas. Despite the use of needles, the technique不会引起任何痛苦

Acupuncture’s origin is embedded among traditional Chinese medicinal concepts. Some of the earliest examples of metal needles 约会至公元前113年。

This Eastern approach didn’t always have credibility in the Western medical world. It’s now more commonly accepted throughout the Western world due to improvements in acupuncture techniques along with extensive research findings

Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of health and medical conditions, most notably chronic pain 由类似的条件引起headacheorarthritis

According to a2016 literature review,有至少六个会议可以帮助治疗to reduce symptoms ofmigraine。尽管需要更确定的研究,但有些studiesshow that it can help people quit smoking, too.


与其他抗吸烟技术相结合时,针灸是最有效的,例如咨询或使用中医技术moxibustion。Moxibustion is a type of heat therapy where you burn dried莫格沃特on or near your skin.

A2012 literature review包括六项审判,查看了823人抽烟的人。接受针灸的人对未接受任何治疗的人的戒烟大幅增加。

More studies are needed to evaluate precisely how effective complementary remedies are in comparison to pharmacotherapies.

根据文献综述中提到的一种理论,耳朵中的针灸点之一可能对应于最接近的位置vagus nerve

Withdrawal symptoms come through the vagus nerves from theparasympathetic nervous system。当针灸师刺激该针灸点时,它们会阻止withdrawal symptoms


Acupressureis based on the same principles as针刺but uses manual pressure instead of needles. One form of acupressure is auricular acupressure, which involves the ear.

According to a2019 literature review, auricular acupressure may help individuals stop smoking when it’s used in combination with other therapies, such as acupuncture.

More high-level research studies that look at the effects of acupressure on its own are needed.

东部戒烟方法还包括草药。它们有助于减少渴望和尼古丁戒断症状,​​例如情绪动荡和易怒。Green teais alsoreportedto help repair tissues that have been damaged by smoking.

Green tea is one of the herbal remedies most commonly used to control cravings. It can be sipped throughout the day during the detoxification period. It’s also available in supplement form.

According to a 2010年研究 where green tea was used in cigarette filters, green tea keeps the system flooded with micronutrients and amino acids that are thought to help diminish the urge to smoke.

Green tea may have benefits that go beyond simply helping you quit smoking. A 2018 study concluded that drinking it at least twice a day helped reduce the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Koreans 40 years old and up. Smoking isthe primary risk factorfor COPD.

在研究开始时,从未喝绿茶的人的COPD发生率是 14.1 percent 。The incidence rate dropped to 5.9 percent after they increased their green tea intake to at least twice per day.

Other herbal remedies, such aslobeliaandSt. John’s wort, have also been used in smoking cessation. However, the research in favor of their use as cessation aids is weak and not credible. More vigorous studies are needed.


店铺forgreen teaand绿茶草药补品online.

Lifestyle modifications can greatly affect your ability to quit smoking. Here are some actions you can take:

A缺少水分may alter chemicals in the brain such as cortisol and affect your stress levels and mood, according to a2014年研究。The alteration in stress and mood may enhance your risk for smoking cravings.


If you decide to opt for traditional treatments instead, your first choice should be the prescription medication varenicline (Chantix),根据2020年的指南American Thoracic Society。It’s recommended for all people who are取决于烟草and want to quit smoking.



Whether you’re on the search for traditional or complementary methods to quit smoking, many options are available to help you get through this challenging time. Work with your doctor to create a plan to help you quit smoking.