





Purifiers filter the air in one room. They’re different from the air filter that’s built into your HVAC system, which filters your whole house. Air purifiers can cost hundreds of dollars.

An air purifier can help clear your home’s air of allergens and pollutants. Whether it will help improve COPD symptoms is still uncertain. There hasn’t been much research. The results of the studies that do exist have been inconsistent.

Yet the research does suggest that reducing particles and allergens in the air may ease lung symptoms.

例如, some studies have shown that air cleaners that capture large amounts of allergens and dust particles improve lung function in people with asthma.


  • HEPA filters.This is the gold-standard filter for removing airborne particles. It uses mechanical ventilation — fans that push air through pleated fibers like foam or fiberglass — to trap particles from the air.
  • 活性炭。This model uses an active carbon filter to trap odors and gases from the air. Although it can catch larger particles, it typically misses smaller ones. Some purifiers combine a HEPA filter with an activated carbon filter to trap both odors and pollutants.
  • 紫外线(UV)光。UV light has the ability to kill germs like viruses, bacteria, and fungi in the air. For a UV air purifier to kill these germs, the light must be strong and stay on for at least several minutes or hours at a time. This isn’t the case with all models.
  • 电离子。通常,空气中的颗粒具有中性电荷。电离器对这些颗粒充电,这使它们粘在机器或其他表面上的板上,因此您可以将其清洗。
  • 静电空气净化器和臭氧发电机。These purifiers use ozone to change the charge of particles in the air so they stick to surfaces. Ozone can irritate the lungs, making it a bad choice for people with COPD.




Avoid any purifier that uses ozone or ions. These products could be harmful to your lungs.


Cleaner indoor air might help your heart, too.

暴露于空气中的颗粒会导致炎症损害血管。在 学习 , filtering the air led to improved blood vessel function, which could contribute to better heart health.

When choosing an air filter, you have a few different options.

HEPA代表高效颗粒空气。这些过滤器在清除空气方面非常有效,因为它们去除 99.97% 颗粒的直径为0.3微米(1/83,000英寸)。



Some air filters are disposable. You change them every 1 to 3 months and throw out the old one. Others are washable. You check them once a month, and if they’re dirty, you wash them.

Disposable air filters offer more convenience, but you’ll spend more to keep replacing them. Washable air filters save you money, but you’ll need to keep up with the cleaning.

在addition, filters are made from several different materials:

  • Pleatedfilters are designed to last longer with less maintenance.
  • 聚酯纤维filters trap lint, dust, and dirt.
  • Activated carbonfilters help control odors in your home.
  • 玻璃纤维过滤器由夹心污垢的旋转玻璃制成。

You need to keep the filter in your air purifier clean so it can work effectively. Plan to clean your purifier about once a month.

你应该唯一的过滤器d never wash are HEPA or carbon filters. Change these filters every 6 months to 1 year.

To clean your filter:

  1. Turn off and unplug the air purifier.
  2. 用湿布清洁外面。使用软刷清除顶部通风口的任何灰尘。
  3. Remove the front grill and prefilter and wash them with warm, soapy water. Dry them with a towel before putting them back inside the machine.
  4. Use a dry, soft cloth to wipe down the inside of the air purifier.

An air purifier can remove some pollutants and allergens from the air in your home. While these machines haven’t been proven to help with COPD, they may improve asthma symptoms.
