
呼吸困难会使人们与chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)觉得他们无法运动。但是您的医生可能会鼓励体育锻炼,因为它可以改善呼吸急促和其他COPD症状。

Inactivity, on the other hand, can cause a decline in cardiovascular function and muscle mass. Over time, you may find yourself more and more breathless every time you exert yourself.

As a result, ordinary tasks like cleaning the house or playing with kids may trigger coughing and wheezing. This can affect your quality of life, causing increasingly sedentary behavior, loss of independence, and even沮丧


It takes time to build up cardiovascular endurance and to strengthen your呼吸肌。是很重要的,建立保持一致定期锻炼程序




在开始锻炼计划之前,练习很有帮助breathing exercises for people living with COPD。Done regularly, these can help make physical exertion easier and more comfortable.

Next, choose a couple of types of exercise or activities that you truly enjoy. Find a workout partner to meet up with regularly. This will make a big difference in your ability to stick with it.

Good choices for people with COPD include有氧运动或者cardiovascular exercises以及上身的抵抗力或weight trainingto help strengthen the heart,, and surrounding respiratory muscles.


  • 步行
  • jogging
  • 跳绳
  • bicycling
  • 溜冰
  • 低影响的有氧运动
  • swimming
  • 阻力训练(手工重量或带子)



TheRPE量表is designed to measure the intensity of your exercise. It’s a simple way to rate your own level of difficulty for a specific physical activity. This can help you monitor your own exertion, stay in the safe zone, and track your own improvement.


Symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, frequent coughing, and tightness in the chest. According to theCOPD基金会, this condition affects an estimated 30 million people in the United States.

Once diagnosed with COPD, you’ll likely take处方药to control symptoms and improve your breathing. Different types of medicine may be prescribed, such as pills, bronchodilators, and inhaled corticosteroids.

These medications help relax the muscles around your airway and reduce inflammation. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may needoxygen therapyto ensure there’s enough oxygen in your bloodstream.


Long-term exposure to certain types of dust, chemicals, and fumes (often in the workplace) can also increase risk.

COPD can also develop in people who have never smoked or been exposed to pollutants. The disease can develop if you have a deficiency of a certain protein in your bloodstream. If your body lacks this protein, your white blood cells may attack your lungs, resulting in lung damage.

The right exercise can help improve symptoms of COPD and your quality of life. But talk with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine. They may give you specific information about how to exercise safely based on your individual health profile.

You should aim to keep your heart rate at 50 to 80 percent of your最大心率(which is 220 minus your age) while exercising. This may be difficult for people with COPD but should still be a goal to work toward.

It’s never a bad idea for anyone to监测他们的心率在运动过程中。