Between44%和88%of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) experience some sort of chest pain. Being in pain can affect your quality of life and take a toll on your mental health.


  • Bronchial spasms.当控制气道的肌肉突然收紧时,就会发生这种情况。它可以使它具有挑战性和痛苦的呼吸。
  • 消化问题。Over time, people with COPD may end up with overinflated lungs. This happens when air gets trapped and can’t be exhaled properly. When lungs take up extra space, parts of the digestive system get squished. This can worsen symptoms like bloating and acid reflux.
  • Scar tissue.肺部和周围有两个膜层(胸膜)。通常,它们彼此平滑滑动以调节呼吸。COPD的炎症会导致疤痕组织在这一层上的一个或两种层上建立。疤痕组织会干扰正常功能。
  • 膜过度拉伸。If the lungs are overinflated, the membrane also gets stretched out. When this happens, it loses elasticity and can activate pain receptors.
  • Coughing.咳嗽的发作会导致整个胸部和背部的肌肉拉伤。
  • 肺中的血块。这也称为肺栓塞(PE)。The presentation of common symptoms of COPD exacerbations, such as shortness of breath and cough, might cause the diagnosis of acute PE to be overlooked and frequently missed. Patients with COPD are at risk for developing PE due to many reasons, such as sedentary lifestyle, systemic inflammation, and increased number of red blood cells as a result of the low oxygen levels.
  • Other health conditions.患有COPD的人也可能有其他慢性健康状况会导致疼痛。这些包括关节炎和纤维肌痛。


  • 改变您的位置。调整你身体的位置可以帮助您屏住呼吸。您可以尝试从臀部稍微向前倾斜,将手臂放在椅子或桌子上的高度。您也可以坐在椅子上,向前倾斜,将手臂放在腿上。
  • Improve your posture.Do your best to be aware of your posture. Standing up straight or sitting upright in a chair can better support your muscles. It’s also a more open position for your chest and airways.
  • 防止酸回流。如果您容易回流,它可能有助于减少辛辣食物,酒精,咖啡因和高脂食物。这些会使回流更糟。全天多吃小饭。
  • 避免吞咽空气。当空气被困在您的消化系统中时,会发生腹胀。确保慢慢吃饭,避免使用吸管,避免吃饭时说话,不要咀嚼口香糖。
  • 深呼吸。 深呼吸 锻炼可以增强控制呼吸的肌肉。这可以帮助您引入更多的氧气。当您感到呼吸时,深呼吸可以帮助您屏住呼吸。通过鼻子缓慢呼吸,甚至通过嘴唇慢慢呼吸。
  • 冰。如果您患有炎症或肿胀,结冰的肌肉会有所帮助。您可以使用一袋冷冻蔬菜来冰区。您也可以使用包裹在毛巾中的冰块。
  • 热。A heating pad can be helpful for muscle and joint stiffness. Heat can help relax your muscles, reducing tension and pain. There are reusable heating pads available in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • Massage.按摩已显示有帮助 减轻疼痛 in COPD. It can also play a role in muscle relaxation and stress reduction.
  • 活动。活跃于有氧运动,伸展运动和加强活动可以改善您的呼吸,并有助于建立和保持肌肉。与物理治疗师一起工作可能会有所帮助。
  • 针刺。One randomized 2016 study 表明针灸改善了COPD患者的呼吸急促。针灸也被用作慢性疼痛的治疗方法。
  • Take medications as directed。COPD的药物减少咳嗽,胸部紧绷和呼吸急促。这些症状会导致胸痛。
  • Pain medications.如果您的疼痛持续并影响您度过一天的能力,止痛药可能会有所帮助。与您的医生谈谈可以帮助您的类型和剂量。



  • Inhalers.There are a variety of medications given in inhaler form. They help open up the airways, making it easier to breathe. They can provide quick relief or prevent breathlessness. They can be short or long-acting.
  • 雾化器。有些人无法使用吸入器。雾化器将药物变成细雾,使用口罩或烟嘴呼吸。
  • 皮质类固醇。These are often delivered by inhaler but can also be given as oral medications. Typically, oral steroids would only be used for a short time to help manage a flare of COPD.
  • 磷酸二酯酶4抑制剂。这些是口服药物,有助于减少肺部炎症。他们可以减少COPD爆炸的数量。
  • Mucolytics.由于COPD的炎症,在肺部产生过多的粘液。粘液溶剂是有助于稀释和减少痰液量的药物。
  • Supplemental oxygen.If your lungs are having trouble bringing in enough air, you won’t be able to get enough oxygen in your body. Using supplemental oxygen increases the amount of oxygen available to you.


There are many strategies that may help you better manage your pain. Medications to treat COPD are an important part of preventing and managing pain.