

These contagious skin rashes are more common in adults than children.





Oral herpescan spread through something as simple as a kiss. You can contract genital herpes through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. If you have herpes, you can spread it to other people, even if you don’t have symptoms.


带状疱疹in adults is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causeschickenpoxin children.

If you’ve already had chickenpox, the virus can cause a painful rash of fluid-filled blisters to appear on one side of your face or body. It most often appears as a single stripe that wraps around the left or right side of your torso.

If you’ve never had chickenpox, you can develop it after touching the fluid from inside a shingles blister. Shingles is less contagious than chickenpox. Your risk of spreading the virus is low if you cover your shingle blisters. Once your blisters scab over, they’re no longer contagious.


Yeast infection

Genital yeast infections affect both女性andmen。它们是由过度生长引起的Candidafungus, which is normally present all over your body.

如果你有一个vulvovaginal酵母菌感染,你妈y develop a rash around your vulva. If you have a yeast infection on your penis, the head of your penis may become inflamed.



These contagious rashes are more common in children than adults:


画眉是also caused by an overgrowth of theCandida菌。它会导致白色病变出现在孩子的舌头和内心脸颊上。它还可以影响老年人,受损免疫系统的人和服用某些药物的人。

If you give birth while you have a vaginal yeast infection, your baby may develop thrush. Your baby may also develop it after sharing a bottle or pacifier with someone who has thrush.


Diaper rash

Diaper rash通常没有传染性,但有时它是。当它是由真菌或细菌感染引起的时,它可以传播到您孩子身体或其他人的其他地区。

Use good hygiene to stop the spread of infection. Keep your baby in clean and dry diapers. Wash your hands after changing them.

These skin diseases can be shared by adults and children alike.


触摸A.poison ivyplant, your child can develop a painful, itchy rash of blisters. This rash is caused by an allergic reaction to oil in the plant.毒漆树andpoison sumac会导致类似的反应。

If small amounts of the oil remain on your child’s clothes, skin, or fingernails, they can spread it to other people. If your child develops a poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac rash, wash their clothes, shoes, and affected areas of their skin with soap and water.

You can usually use hydrocortisone ointment to ease your child’s discomfort until their symptoms clear. If their rash gets worse, seek medical attention.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)a type of bacteria that’s resistant to many antibiotics:

  • If you develop an MRSA infection after visiting a hospital, it’s known as “healthcare associated-MRSA” (HA-MRSA).
  • 如果您从更广泛的社区中挑选出来,它被称为“社区相关的MRSA”(CA-MRSA)。



Contact your doctor immediately if you suspect you have an MRSA infection. In most cases, they can treat it with an antibiotic or combination of antibiotics.


Scabies是caused by a tiny mite that burrows into your skin and lays eggs. It causes intense itching and a rash that looks like pimples. The rash eventually scabs over.

Scabies is passed through prolonged skin-to-skin contact. Anyone with crusted scabs is considered especially contagious. Child and adult care centers are common sites of scabies outbreaks. If someone in your house gets scabies, it’s easily spread.


You’ll need prescription medicine to treat a scabies infection.

Molluscum contagiosum(MC)

Molluscum contagiosum(MC)是a viral skin infection that’s common in children, but it can affect adults. It causes a rash of small pink or white wart-like bumps. It isn’t very harmful, and many parents might not even realize their kid has it.

MC病菌在炎热,潮湿的条件。它的s common among swimmers and gymnasts. You can catch it from contaminated water or even a towel at a community pool.

Most of the time, MC clears on its own without treatment.


癣can be spread through skin-to-skin contact. You can contract it by touching contaminated objects, such as hair accessories, clothing, or towels. It can also pass from animals to humans, so watch out for hairless patches on your family pets.

To treat ringworm, your doctor will prescribe antifungal medications. If your child develops a ringworm infection on their scalp, a prescription-strength medicated shampoo is also available.


Impetigoprimarily affects infants and children, but adults can get it too. It usually causes red sores to appear around the nose and mouth. The sores may burst or crust over.




You should also change and launder all of your bed sheets and pillowcases weekly to help prevent the spread of contagious conditions. Teach your children to practice these precautions too.

If you or your child develops a skin rash, make an appointment with your doctor. They can help identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.