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Constipationis infrequent bowel activity, typically每周少于三轮运动


几乎每个人都在生活的某个时候有便秘,而且通常没什么严重的。但是,即使便秘是短暂的,粪便的减少也会触发许多其他症状stomach crampsand lower back pain.

Stools that move slowly through thedigestive tract导致便秘。这可能是由于您的缺水而发生的colon,,,,resulting in dry, hard stools that become difficult to pass.

What’s the connection between nausea and constipation?


Your bowel plays a role in your body’s detoxification process. When it takes longer than normal for food to move through your colon, this causes a buildup of toxins in your body. It’s these toxins that cause the sensation of nausea.

同时,便秘会导致胃扩张and腹胀,,,,which occurs the longer stools remain in your colon. This triggers an increase of bacteria in you colon, prompting a nauseous feeling.



Sometimes, constipation and nausea are symptoms of a medical condition. Common conditions include:


Dry, hard stools can happen when there isn’t enough water in your body and intestines. Lack of fluids can make it difficult for food or waste to pass through your intestinal tract.

Dehydrationcan slow bowel activity, resulting in nausea and other symptoms like bloating and gas.

Bowel obstruction

排便或intestinal obstructionoccurs when a blockage in your colon prevents the passage of stool. Other symptoms of an intestinal blockage can include abdominal pain, vomiting, and abdominal swelling.


如果您有一个herniaor adhesions in your colon. Bowel orcolon canceris another cause of obstructions.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

This disorder affects the large intestines. It can cause a variety of symptoms including constipation and nausea.

肠易激综合症is a chronic condition that causes weak intestinal contractions, resulting in food or stools backing up in the colon.

It’s also believed that abnormalities in the nervous system contribute to肠易激综合症with constipation. This is due to poorly coordinated signals between the colon and the brain, resulting in weak muscle contractions in the intestines.

Certain medications


  • 麻醉性止痛药,例如可待因和羟考酮
  • antihistamines
  • diuretics
  • antidepressants
  • 血压药物
  • iron supplements



Sedentary lifestyle

The underlying problem of chronic constipation isn’t always an underlying medical problem. The problem could be something as simple as lack of exercise.

A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to chronic constipation, and subsequently lead to nausea.定期运动helps promote normal muscle contractions in the intestines. This helps stools move easily through the bowels.

While nausea and constipation go hand-in-hand, constipation can also cause other symptoms such as:

An inability to easily pass stools also leads to straining during a bowel movement. Straining too much puts you at risk forhemorrhoids,,,,which are swollen veins in your anus. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • anal itching
  • anal pain
  • anal bleeding


Fiber supplements


Take over-the-counter纤维补充剂as directed, or increase your intake of纤维丰富的食物。Good sources include fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Adults should have between 21 and 38 grams of fiber per day.


Stimulant laxatives触发肠收缩并促进肠活动。另一方面,渗透泻药使液体可以通过结肠运动,也可以促进肠活动。

Stool softeners




Enemasand suppositories are effective, but side effects can include nausea and diarrhea. If inserted improperly, there’s also the risk of perforation of the rectum or internal damage.


When over-the-counter products don’t work, a number of prescription medications can help relieve constipation. These medications work like laxatives and stool softeners by drawing water into the intestines.


  • prucalopride琥珀酸酯(Resotran)
  • linaclotide (Constella)
  • lubiprostone (Amitiza)
  • Linaclotide(Linzess)

A few lifestyle changes can also help:

  • 增加体育锻炼。您可以定期锻炼改善便秘。一周中大部分时间的大部分时间都至少进行30分钟的体育锻炼。
  • Keep a food journal.这可以帮助您查明某些触发便秘的食物。你可能是lactose intolerantand deal with constipation after eating dairy products. Or, you may have agluten sensitivity。如果是这样,含有面筋的食物可能会触发便秘。
  • 喝很多液体。This will help to prevent dehydration. Try drinking more water, decaffeinated teas and coffee, and juices.

Find纤维补充剂,,,,laxatives,,,,stool softeners,,,,栓剂,灌肠套件online.

See a doctor for constipation or nausea that interferes with your quality of life. This includes symptoms that prevent going to work, school, or completing everyday activities.

Also, see a doctor for constipation that doesn’t improve after several months. You may have an underlying medical problem, especially if you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, but can’t pass stools. This could indicate a blockage in your intestines.

It’s also important to seek medical attention for constipation that’s accompanied by severe pain, weight loss, or bleeding from the rectum.
