Chemotherapy drugs are a specific class of medications called cytotoxic agents. They’re designed to kill cancer cells.




如果您已经诊断出细胞扩散到附近淋巴结的较大肿瘤,则可能需要几轮化学疗法。在这些情况下,化学疗法用作adjuvant therapy,或防止肿瘤切除后癌症恢复。


虽然化学疗法的想法可能令人生畏,但在如何方面取得了重大改善side effects被管理。接受化学疗法比以前的耐受性要容忍得多。

In cases of early stage cancer, an oncologist can make an informed decision about which drugs are best to use. Your age, the stage of the cancer, and any other health problems will all be taken into consideration before deciding on a chemo regimen.


您可能需要一个portimplanted if you have weak veins or are being given a certain type of drug. A port is a device that’s surgically placed in your chest that allows for easy needle access. The port can be removed when therapy is finished.

Typically, a person is given several drugs, often called a方案. Regimens are designed to attack the cancer at different stages of growth and in different ways. Your chemo drugs will be given on a regular schedule in doses called rounds.

根据 American Cancer Society ,当今用于乳腺癌的最常见药物和方案是:

Regimen name (drug initials) 药物治疗的列表
CAF(或FAC) cyclophosphamide(Cytoxan),阿霉素(阿霉素)和5-FU
TAC docetaxel (Taxotere), doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
行为 doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) followed by paclitaxel (Taxol) or docetaxel (Taxotere)
FEC-T 5-FU,表蛋白(Ellence)和环磷酰胺(Cytoxan),然后是多西他赛(Taxotere)或紫杉醇(紫杉醇)
TC 多西他赛(cantotere)和环磷酰胺(Cytoxan)
TCH docetaxel (Taxotere), carboplatin, and trastuzumab (Herceptin) forHER2/neu-positive tumors



并非所有的化学药物原因脱发, but most of those mentioned above for early stage cancer will have that side effect.

如果您对自己的脱发有自我意识,则可以将假发,帽子和围巾纳入衣柜中。但是,这种副作用通常是暂时的。你的头发可能会开始grow back一旦您停止化学治疗。


有些人可能担心nauseaas a chemo side effect. But this side effect is becoming less common as treatment methods progress.




Mouth sores

Mouth soresare an occasional side effect. If they appear, you can ask your oncologist for a prescription for “魔术漱口水,”有麻木剂。另外,您的感觉也可能tastewill change with some chemo drugs.


The most common and persistent side effect of chemo is tiredness.

化学疗法会影响您的血液和骨髓。经常接受化学疗法的人会变成anemic, which causes疲劳. The effect on the blood also leaves you potentially susceptible to infection. It’s important to rest as much as possible.

Menstrual and fertility changes

If you have a menstrual cycle, you may find that it changes under chemotherapy. Some people start绝经完成化疗后。这更近于更年期的近距离,通常从51岁开始。

Periods can return after treatment is completed, but this often depends on your age and what kind of chemotherapy drugs were used. Typically, the younger you are, the greater the chance is that your period will return and you’ll produce fertile eggs.



While most of these side effects go away when you complete your chemo regimen, a few effects mayremain.

One of these is神经病. It occurs when the nerves of the hands and feet are damaged. People with this side effect feel tingling, stabbing sensations, and numbness in these areas.



Increased risk for leukemia

尽管很少见,但是接受化疗可能会使您面临更高的发展风险白血病down the line. If this is the case, it usually appears within 10 years of receiving chemotherapy.


Cognitive difficulties

Cognitive difficulties that occur with treatment can cause short-term memory loss and problems concentrating. This is known as “化学大脑。”



In some cases, chemo can leave you with a weaker heart.

Rarely, an allergic reaction to chemotherapy drugs can happen as well. Your medical team will monitor you closely for any signs that this may occur.

接受的前景ing chemotherapy can be scary, but most people are surprised to find that it’s quite manageable. Many can even keep up with their careers and other regular activities at a reduced level.

While undergoing chemo, it’s important to eat a营养饮食,尽可能休息,照顾好您精神健康.


It may help to talk to others who have gone through the same thing. Explore support groups online, and check out our list of年度最佳乳腺癌博客.