

In most cases, polyps don’t cause symptoms and are usually found on routine结肠癌screening exams. However, if you do experience symptoms, they may include:

  • 粪便中的血液或直肠出血
  • pain,腹泻, or constipation that lasts longer than one week
  • 如果你有大息肉,恶心或呕吐

Blood on your toilet paper or blood-streaked stools may be an indication of rectal bleeding and should be evaluated by a doctor.

Polypsin the colon can vary in size and number. There are three types of colon polyps:

  • 增生息肉是无害的,不会发展成癌症。
  • 腺瘤息肉是最常见的。虽然大多数人永远不会发展成癌症,但他们确实有可能成为结肠癌。
  • Malignant polyps are polyps that are noted under microscopic examination to have cancer cells in them.


The body periodically develops new healthy cells to replace old cells that are damaged or no longer needed. The growth and division of new cells is usually regulated.

In some cases, however, new cells grow and divide before they’re needed. This excess growth causes polyps to form. The polyps can develop in any area of the colon.



  • 抽烟
  • 经常喝酒
  • having a sedentary lifestyle
  • eating a high-fat diet



  • Colonoscopy.在此过程中,连接到薄的柔性管的相机穿过肛门。这允许您的医生查看直肠和冒号。如果发现息肉,您的医生可以立即移除或取出组织样品进行分析。
  • sigmoidoscopy。该筛选方法类似于结肠镜检查,但它只能用于看到直肠和下冒号。它不能用于服用活组织检查或组织样品。如果您的医生检测到息肉,您需要安排结肠镜检查以使其删除。
  • 钡灌肠。对于此测试,您的医生将液体钡注入直肠,然后使用特殊的X射线拍摄您的结肠的图像。钡使你的结肠在图片中看起来很白色。由于息肉是黑暗的,它们很容易识别白色颜色。
  • CT结肠术。该过程使用CT扫描来构建结肠和直肠的图像。在扫描之后,计算机组合了结肠和直肠的图像,以产生该区域的2和3-D视图。CT结肠术有时被称为avirtual colonoscopy。它可以显示出肿胀的组织,肿块,溃疡和息肉。
  • 粪便测试。Your doctor will give you a test kit and instructions for providing a stool sample. You’ll return the sample to your doctor’s office for analysis, especially to test for microscopic bleeding. This test will show if you have blood in your stool, which can be a sign of a polyp.



However, you may need surgery to remove the polyps if they’re large and can’t be removed during a colonoscopy. In most cases, this can be done bylaparoscopic surgery。这种类型的手术是微创的,并使用称为腹腔镜的仪器。

A laparoscope is a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and a high-resolution camera at the front. The instrument is inserted through an incision in the abdomen. Once your surgeon has a visual of your colon, they’ll remove the polyps using a special tool.


Maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent the development of colonic polyps. This includes eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meat.

You may also be able to prevent polyps by increasing your intake of vitamin D and calcium. Foods that are rich in vitamin D and calcium include:

  • 西兰花
  • 酸奶
  • milk
  • cheese
  • eggs
  • liver
  • fish



Your best option for finding out if you have colonic polyps is to have colon screenings regularly when your doctor recommends them. Polyps can often be removed at the same time as the screening procedure.

Though polyps are usually benign, doctors most often remove them because some types of polyps can later develop into cancer. Removing colonic polyps can help prevent colon cancer from developing.

A healthy diet, including foods rich in vitamin D, calcium, and fiber, can lower your risk for developing colonic polyps.