
It isn’t uncommon for people to experience打退堂鼓,冷手甚至冷耳朵。您可能还经历过冷鼻子。

有很多原因为什么您可以发冷鼻子。有可能是出于普通的原因,没有什么可担心的 - 其他时候,原因可能是严重的。


You might just be too cold

Getting cold extremities isn’t uncommon. It generally takes longer for blood to circulate to your hands, feet, and nose. When it gets especially cold, more blood flows to the center of your body, to keep organs functioning, than to your extremities.


This strategy also keeps your blood warmer overall since the blood stays away from areas of your body where it might be chilled by being exposed to cold.

Also, the outer parts of the human nose are composed of mostly cartilage tissue covered by a relatively thin layer of skin and minimal amounts of insulating fat, so the nose becomes cold much more easily than the legs or belly. (Ears have a similar problem! This is why many snow dwelling animals have short, fur-covered ears and noses to protect them from damage).

Another common reason for a cold nose is reduced blood flow to the skin of the nose. If your nose feels cold for much longer than the rest of your body, you may have reduced blood flow to your nose.

流通循环的原因有很多,这可能是另一个健康问题的迹象 - 尽管对于大多数人来说,冷鼻子与任何重大健康问题无关。

Thyroid problems

Thyroid hormones are very important regulators of your body’s metabolism. A condition called hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid disorder, may make your body think that it is cold, even when it isn’t.

In this low thyroid hormone state, the body tries to take steps to conserve heat and energy, thus causing many slow metabolism symptoms, including a cold nose.桥本, an autoimmune hypothyroid issue, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • constant tiredness
  • weight gain
  • fatigue
  • aching or weak muscles and joints
  • 脱发
  • dry and itchy skin
  • general cold intolerance (feeling cold even when you’re in a warm place)

如果您怀疑自己有甲状腺问题,请去看医生。Learn more about hypothyroidism.

雷诺的现象is an exaggeration of the body’s normal cold response. It causes local blood vessels in the extremities to narrow dramatically for short periods of time before returning to normal.

The hands and feet are most commonly affected, but it can also occur in the ears and nose. It can be caused by autoimmune disorders like lupus or occur on its own without any known underlying disease. Raynaud’s can also be triggered by emotional stress.


  • 变色:四肢的白色或蓝色 - 鼻子,手指,脚趾或耳朵
  • 麻木,刺痛,有时疼痛
  • 在特定区域的感冒,可以持续数分钟或几个小时

如果您怀疑Raynaud的话,请拜访您的医生。Learn more about the condition here.




这是typically related to糖尿病, though not always. Diabetes, if severe and left untreated, can lead to serious circulation issues. Diabetics (1型or2型)如果在高血糖的情况下不照顾自己,他们的四肢有神经损伤和血管损害的危险很大。

Other symptoms of high blood sugar include:

  • 难以愈合的伤口
  • 尿频
  • excessive hunger or thirst
  • fatigue
  • blurry vision
  • 高血压
  • 麻木,“销钉”的感觉或刺痛,尤其是在脚下
  • unexpected weight loss
  • 恶心

如果您怀疑自己可能患有或正在患糖尿病,请参阅医生。Learn more about high blood sugar.


心脏健康状况不佳会导致循环不良,鼻子可能是一个可能的迹象。Heart diseases喜欢atherosclerosis(动脉硬化),弱心肌(cardiomyopathy), and外周动脉疾病(PAD)可以大大削弱流通于四肢。


  • 高血压
  • 高胆固醇
  • fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat
  • chest pain, especially with exercise
  • 走上一条楼梯或沿着街区的飞行时,屏住了呼吸
  • swelling in the feet or ankles



If you’ve been exposed to extremely cold temperatures — especially for too long in freezing water or windy, cold weather — a cold nose may signal the beginnings of frostnip or frostbite.

Your nose may be one of the most susceptible of your body parts to frostbite if left exposed, along with your hands and feet.


  • prickly or tingling sensation
  • numb and painful skin
  • 鼻子上的变色(红色,白色,灰色,黄色或黑色皮肤)

如果您遇到这些,请立即寻求医疗救助。Learn more about frostbite.

If you have symptoms of frostbite or heart attack, seek medical attention immediately. Don’t just try to treat the cold nose at home.

Discuss symptoms of thyroid problems, heart disease, diabetes, or Raynaud’s with your doctor to find the correct diagnosis and treatment.

If you think your cold nose is simply due to being cold, here are some ways to warm it up:

  • 温暖压缩. Heat water. Saturate a clean rag and apply it to your nose until your nose warms up. Make sure you heat the water to a pleasant temperature — not to boiling — to prevent burning yourself.
  • Drink a hot beverage.喝茶等热饮料可以帮助您加热。您甚至可以让杯子里的蒸汽温暖鼻子。
  • Wear a scarf or balaclava. If you’re going outside in the cold and exposed to frigid temperatures, make sure to wrap up. That includes your nose. A big scarf over your face or even a balaclava helps prevent a cold nose.

If you get a cold nose, it could be caused by being cold. You may need to wear warmer clothes or get better winter accessories, especially if you experience your cold nose when you’re outdoors.


如果您经常鼻子冷鼻子,即使在温暖的天气中 - 或者您的鼻子很长一段时间很冷,疼痛,打扰您或伴随着其他症状 - 与您的医生交谈。他们可以为您提供更多的治疗选择,并确定是否存在根本的健康问题。