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Pregnancy and the flu

When you becomepregnant,发生在你的一切可能影响不仅仅是你的身体,而是你出生的孩子。这种实现可以使疾病更加复杂。在过去,如果你有一个寒冷的or became sick with the流感那you may have taken an在柜台上(OTC)减数剂。But now you might想知道它是否安全。一种lthough medications can relieve your symptoms, you don’t want the drug causing problems for the baby. Many medications can be taken while pregnant, so treating a cold or flu during pregnancy doesn’t have to be a stressful experience.


一种ccording to the密歇根大学卫生系统一种nd most OB-GYNs, it’s best to avoid all medications in the first12周怀孕。这是为您的宝宝的重要器官发展的关键时刻。许多医生也建议谨慎28周。如果您怀孕或试图怀孕,请在服用任何药物之前与医生交谈。在怀孕12周后,几种药物被认为是安全的。这些包括:
  • menthol rub on your chest, temples, and under the nose
  • nasal strips, which are sticky pads that open congested airways
  • 咳嗽滴或锭剂
  • 一种cetaminophen (Tylenol) for aches, pains, and fevers
  • cough suppressant at night
  • expectorant during the day
  • calcium-carbonate (Mylanta, Tums) or similar medications for heartburn, nausea, or upset stomach
  • plain cough syrup
  • Dextromethorphan(Robitussin)和Dextromethorphan-Guaifenesin(Robitussin DM)咳嗽糖浆
避免一体化药物,将成分结合起来解决许多症状。相反,为您正在处理的症状选择单一药物。您还应该避免以下内容药物while pregnant unless recommended by your doctor. They increase the risk for problems:
  • 一种spirin (Bayer)
  • ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
  • Naproxen(Aleve,Naprosyn)
  • 疑要
  • Bactrim, an antibiotic


When you fall ill while pregnant, your first steps should be to:
  1. 得到充足的休息。
  2. 喝很多液体。
  3. Gargle with warm salt water那if you have a sore throat orcough

Is it cold or flu?

一种寒冷的流感分享许多症状,例如咳嗽和流鼻涕。但是,有一些差异可以让您分开。如果你的症状一般是温和的,那么你可能会感冒。还,寒冷和疲劳一种re more commonly associated with the flu.


It’s no revelation that when you’re pregnant your body experiences changes. But one of those changes is that you have 免疫系统较弱 。一种较弱的免疫系统有助于阻止女人的身体拒绝未出生的婴儿。然而,它也让期待妈妈更容易受病毒和细菌感染。孕妇也是 更可能 than nonpregnant women their age to have flu complications. These complications may includepneumoniabronchitis, 要么鼻窦感染。Getting a流感疫苗接种降低感染和并发症的风险。获得流感疫苗接种有帮助保护孕妇和ir babies for up to six months after birth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So, it’s important for pregnant women to be up-to-date on their vaccination schedule. Others things you can do to reduce your risk of getting sick include:


虽然大多数感冒不会对未出生的孩子造成问题,但感染流感应该更加认真。Flu complicationsincrease the risk ofpremature delivery一种ndbirth defects。如果您遇到以下症状,请立即获得医疗帮助:
  • dizziness
  • 呼吸困难
  • chest painor pressure
  • vaginal bleeding
  • 困惑
  • 严重呕吐
  • high fever that isn’t reduced by acetaminophen
  • decreased fetal movement