- menthol rub on your chest, temples, and under the nose
- nasal strips, which are sticky pads that open congested airways
- 咳嗽滴或锭剂
- 一种cetaminophen (Tylenol) for aches, pains, and fevers
- cough suppressant at night
- expectorant during the day
- calcium-carbonate (Mylanta, Tums) or similar medications for heartburn, nausea, or upset stomach
- plain cough syrup
- Dextromethorphan(Robitussin)和Dextromethorphan-Guaifenesin(Robitussin DM)咳嗽糖浆
- 一种spirin (Bayer)
- ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
- Naproxen(Aleve,Naprosyn)
- 疑要
- Bactrim, an antibiotic
- 得到充足的休息。
- 喝很多液体。
- Gargle with warm salt water那if you have a sore throat orcough。
- 盐水鼻滴一种ndsprays松开鼻腔粘液和舒缓发炎的鼻组织
- 呼吸温暖,潮湿的空气,帮助松动拥堵;一种facial steamer那热雾蒸发器, 要么even a hot shower can work
chicken soup ,帮助缓解炎症和抚慰的拥堵 - 将蜂蜜或柠檬添加到温暖的杯子上decaffeinated teato relieve a sore throat
- 使用冷热包装to alleviate sinus pain
- washing your hands often
- 得到充足的睡眠
- 吃A.healthy diet
- 避免与生病的家庭或朋友密切联系
- 锻炼经常
- 减少压力
- dizziness
- 呼吸困难
- chest painor pressure
- vaginal bleeding
- 困惑
- 严重呕吐
- high fever that isn’t reduced by acetaminophen
- decreased fetal movement