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I just failed that math test. I’m no good at school, and I might as well quit.


These are all prime examples of cognitive distortions: thought patterns that cause people to view reality in inaccurate — usually negative — ways.

In short, they’re habitual errors in thinking. When you’re experiencing a cognitive distortion, the way you interpret events is usually negatively biased.


研究建议 that people develop cognitive distortions as a way of coping with adverse life events. The more prolonged and severe those adverse events are, the more likely it is that one or more cognitive distortions will form.

One early theory even suggests that human beings might have developed cognitive distortions as a kind of evolutionary survival method.

In other words, stress could cause people to adapt their thinking in ways that are useful for their immediate survival. But these thoughts aren’t rational or healthy long-term.

在1960年代,精神病学家亚伦贝克开创再保险search on cognitive distortions in his development of a treatment method known ascognitive behavioral therapy.


Sometimes called all-or-nothing, or黑白思维,这种失真发生在人们习惯性地思考极端时。


This kind of distortion is unrealistic and often unhelpful because most of the time reality exists somewhere between the two extremes.

When people overgeneralize, they reach a conclusion about one event and then incorrectly apply that conclusion across the board.

For example, you make a low score on one math test and conclude that you’re hopeless at math in general. You have a negative experience in one relationship and develop a belief that you just aren’t good at relationships at all.

过度概括has been associated withpost-traumatic stress disorderand other anxiety disorders.

This distorted type of thinking leads people to dread or assume the worst when faced with the unknown. When peoplecatastrophize,普通的烦恼会很快升级。

For instance, an expected check doesn’t arrive in the mail. A person who catastrophizes may begin to fear it will never arrive, and that as a consequence it won’t be possible to pay rent and the whole family will be evicted.

It’s easy to dismiss catastrophizing as a hysterical over-reaction, but people who have developed this cognitive distortion may have experienced repeated adverse events — like chronic pain or childhood trauma — so often that they fear the worst in many situations.

One of the most common errors in thinking is taking things personally when they’re not connected to or caused by you at all.

You may be engaging in personalization when you blame yourself for circumstances that aren’t your fault, or are beyond your control.

Another example is when you incorrectly assume that you’ve been intentionally excluded or targeted.



It can be hard to distinguish between mind reading and empathy — the ability to perceive and understand what others may be feeling.

To tell the difference between the two, it might be helpful to consider all the evidence, not just the evidence that confirms your suspicions or beliefs.

At least 一项研究 已经发现,在儿童中,心理阅读比青少年或成年人更为普遍,并且与焦虑有关。


Interpreting circumstances using anegative mental filteris not only inaccurate, it can worsen anxiety and depression symptoms.

研究人员 发现对自己和未来的负面看法会引起绝望的感觉。这些想法可能变得极端,以引发自杀思想。

Like mental filters, discounting the positive involves a negative bias in thinking.


Instead of acknowledging that a good outcome is the result of skill, smart choices, or determination, they assume that it must be an accident or some type of anomaly.


When people find themselves thinking in terms of what “should” and “ought” to be said or done, it’s possible that a cognitive distortion is at work.



Such thoughts can diminish your self-esteem and raiseanxietylevels.

Emotional reasoning is the false belief that your emotions are the truth — that the way you feel about a situation is a reliable indicator of reality.

While it’s important to listen to, validate, and express emotion, it’s equally important to judge reality based on rational evidence.

研究人员have found that emotional reasoning is a common cognitive distortion. It’s a pattern of thinking that’s used by people with and without anxiety or depression.

标签是一个认知扭曲的人reduce themselves or other people to a single — usually negative — characteristic or descriptor, like “drunk” or “failure.”

When people label, they define themselves and others based on a single event or behavior.


This misperception can cause real problems between people. No one wants to be labeled.

The good news is that cognitive distortions can be corrected over time.


Identify the troublesome thought

When you realize a thought is causing anxiety or dampening your mood, a good first step is tofigure outwhat kind of distorted thinking is taking place.

To better understand how your thoughts affect your emotions and behavior, you may want to consider reading “感觉很好:新的情绪疗法” by clinical psychologist Dr. David Burns. This book is considered by many to be the definitive work on this subject.

Try reframing the situation



Perform a cost-benefit analysis

People usually repeat behaviors that deliver some benefit.

You might find it helpful to analyze how your thought patterns have helped you cope in the past. Do they give you a sense of control in situations where you feel powerless? Do they allow you to avoid taking responsibility or taking necessary risks?

You can also ask yourself what engaging in cognitive distortion costs you. Weighing the pros and cons of your thought patterns could motivate you to change them.


认知行为疗法(CBT)is a widely recognized form of talk therapy in which people learn to identify, interrupt, and change unhealthy thinking patterns.


CBT usually focuses on specific goals. It generally takes place for a predetermined number of sessions and may take a few weeks to a few months to see results.

Look for a therapist who’s properly certified and licensed in the state where you live. Your therapist should be trained in CBT. Try to find a therapist who has experience treating your type of thinking pattern or issue.

Cognitive distortions are habitual ways of thinking that are often inaccurate and negatively biased.


If you’re ready to tackle a cognitive distortion, you may want to try some of the methods found in cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of therapy has been successful in helping people identify cognitive distortions and retrain themselves to look at the world in a clearer, more rational way.