
慢性白血病is a slow-growing leukemia. Acute leukemia is a fast-growing leukemia that progresses quickly without treatment.


体征和症状of chronic leukemia

慢性白血病develops slowly, and the early symptoms may be mild and go unnoticed. Acute leukemia develops quickly. This is because the cancerous cells multiply fast.


  • general feelings of malaise, such as tiredness, bone and joint pain, or shortness of breath
  • weight loss
  • 食欲不足
  • a fever
  • night sweats
  • anemia
  • infections
  • bruising or bleeding, such as nosebleeds
  • 不痛苦的淋巴结肿大
  • 疼痛或左上腹部的全部感觉,这是脾脏所在的地方

体征和症状of acute leukemia


  • 低白细胞计数
  • infections
  • tiredness that doesn’t go away with rest
  • shortness of breath
  • 苍白的肤色
  • 晚上出汗
  • a slight fever
  • 轻松瘀伤
  • 骨和关节酸痛
  • slow healing of cuts
  • 皮肤下的小红点



Leukemia may occur due to changes in the DNA of your cells. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) may also be 有关联 一种称为费城染色体的基因突变。该基因突变没有遗传。

一些 studies show that a combination of genetic and environmental factors are involved in childhood leukemia. Some children may not have inherited the particular version of genes that can get rid of harmful chemicals. Exposure to those chemicals might increase their risk for leukemia.


一些factors for developing chronic leukemia include:

  • 存在over age 60
  • 存在of European descent
  • 暴露于苯或代理橙等化学物质
  • 暴露于高水平的辐射

一些risk factors for developing acute leukemia include:

  • 抽烟
  • having chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other cancers
  • exposure to very high radiation levels
  • having genetic abnormalities, such as Down syndrome
  • having a sibling with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)

Having one or more of these risk factors doesn’t mean that you’ll get leukemia.


  • white cells
  • leukemia cells
  • red cells
  • 血小板

Bone marrow and other tests will give your doctor further information about your blood to confirm a diagnosis of leukemia. Your doctor may also look at a blood smear under a microscope to see the shape of the cells. Other tests may grow your blood cells to help your doctor identify changes to the chromosomes or genes.

Your treatment plan will depend on the type of leukemia you have and how advanced it is at the time of your diagnosis. You may want to get a second opinion before starting treatment. It’s important to understand what your treatment choices are and what you can expect.


慢性白血病progresses slowly. You may not be diagnosed until symptoms, such as enlarged lymph nodes, appear. Chemotherapy, corticosteroids, and monoclonal antibodies may be used to control the cancer. Your doctor may use blood transfusions and platelet transfusions to treat the decrease in red blood cells and platelets. Radiation may help reduce the size of your lymph nodes.


Acute leukemia

People with acute leukemia will generally begin treatment quickly following a diagnosis. This is because the cancer can progress quickly. Treatment may include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or stem cell therapy, depending on the type of acute leukemia you have.

The treatment for acute leukemia is generally very intense in the beginning. The main goal of treatment is to kill the leukemia cells. Hospitalization is sometimes necessary. The treatment often causes side effects.

Your doctor will do regular blood and bone marrow tests to determine how well your treatment is killing the leukemia cells. They may try various mixtures of drugs to see what works best.

Once your blood has returned to normal, your leukemia will be in remission. Your doctor will continue to test you in case the cancerous cells return.


  • your age
  • your general health
  • 白血病在您体内散布了多少
  • how well you respond to treatment


Your doctor will give you your outlook based on leukemia research findings from the past years. These statistics are based on people who had your type of leukemia, but each person is different. Try not to focus too much on these types of statistics if you receive a diagnosis of leukemia. Your outlook will depend on your age, your overall health, and the stage of your leukemia. The following were thefive-year survival ratesfor people with different types of leukemia in the United States from 2005 to 2011:

  • CML: 63.2 percent
  • CLL: 84.8 percent
  • 全部:15岁以下的人的总体总计70.1%,为91.2%
  • AML, or acute myeloid leukemia: 26 percent overall and 66.5 percent for those under 15

随着研究的发展,患有任何类型白血病的人的前景将继续改善。许多研究人员 ongoing clinical trials 正在测试每种白血病的新疗法。

No early screening tests for leukemia are available. If you have risk factors and symptoms, ask your doctor about blood tests.

