一个方面关节injection is a procedure where pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medications are injected into your facet joints to reduce pain.


Many people experience relief for months after receiving an injection. The procedure is minimally invasive and has a low risk of complications. Read on to learn more about these injections, including what they’re used to treat, their side effects, and the cost.

一个illustration of the location of a facet joint injection, along the spine. Share on Pinterest

Facet joint injections treat pain originating from the facet joints in your neck or back. According to 2021研究 ,据估计,刻面关节疼痛是脊柱疼痛的根源:

  • 颈部疼痛的人中有67%
  • 48%的上背部疼痛的人
  • 45 percent of people with lower back pain

Facet joint injections contain medications calledsteroidsthat help reduce inflammation. They also contain lidocaine or other pain relievers.

如果您的疼痛对保守治疗不反应,您的医生可能会建议您注射这些注射物理疗法or modifying your activity levels for at least 3个月

Potential causes of facet joint pain include:

  • 骨关节炎
  • 关节不稳定
  • traumatic injury
  • 冲击(超压)的联合tissue
  • 关节衬里的炎症


Is facet joint injection the same as a nerve block or epidural?


一个方面关节nerve blockis a similar procedure. It involves injecting medications near the branches of your medial nerves, which supply sensory information to your facet joints.

一个epiduralis a nerve block injected into the space surrounding your spinal cord to numb part of your body. It’s used during labor and some types of surgeries.

一个方面关节injection is a minimally invasive procedure that usually takes less than30 minutes。这是一个门诊手术,这意味着您可以在同一天回家。您将在手术过程中清醒,但可以通过手臂或手臂中的静脉注射镇静剂。

Here’s an idea of what youcan expect

  1. During the procedure, you’ll lie face down on a table and may be connected to machines to monitor your vitals.
  2. 你的皮肤会消毒注射site and covered with a drape to prevent contamination.
  3. Your surgeon will use a needle to inject a local anesthetic into your skin and numb the area.
  4. Using either fluoroscopy (a type of real-time X-ray) or aCT scanas a guide, your surgeon will insert the facet joint injection through your skin and into your joint. They may also inject a contrast dye to make sure the needle is in your joint.
  5. They will then inject the steroid and pain reliever into your joint.
  6. Finally, they’ll remove the needle and apply pressure to prevent bleeding. Stitches are not required.

How painful is a facet joint injection?


The facet joint injection itself should not cause any pain since the area will be numbed. You’ll likely feel some pressure around the injection site.

Once the pain reliever wears off, you may have soreness around the injection site for a few days. Your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever if you have significant pain.

Facet joint injections are generally safe, but all medical procedures come with some risks. The most common 副作用是:

  • swelling
  • pain around the injection site
  • temporarily increased背疼

Rarely, the anti-inflammatory drugs used in the procedure may cause side effects such as:

严重的并发症非常罕见。在一个 2020 study , researchers reported 101 complications across 11,980 procedures. Eight of these were considered major. All major complications were related to infection, and one person died of an infection.



It usually goes away once the medication has a chance to take effect. If the area around your injection is sore, you can try putting an ice pack on it for up to 20 minutes at a time.

Facet joint injections generally cost more than $1,000 in the United States. One surgery center in Texas lists their price as$1,276 to $1,458。The exact cost depends on factors such as:

  • 您的程序范围
  • your geographic location
  • the clinic or hospital you visit

在一个 2018年研究 研究人员估计,类似程序的直接成本(一个方面的关节神经阻滞)为758.08美元。但是,这不涵盖药物和药物疗法的成本。估计总成本高67%。


According to theMedicare覆盖范围数据库, facet joint injections may be covered if you meet the following requirements:

  • 至少3个月的中度至重度疼痛,功能障碍尚未对保守治疗做出反应nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsor physical therapy
  • pain not associated with撞击神经
  • 缺乏其他可能解释疼痛的非面部条件
  • assessment by a medical professional that suggests your facet joints are the source of your pain



You may notice an increase in pain for several days after your procedure before the medication takes effect.

Facet joint injections can potentially offer relief for 3 months or longer. A 2018年研究评论 发现相互矛盾的证据表明他们是否提供3到6个月之间的疼痛缓解。

刻面关节注射可以重复3次per year.


If your injection does not offer pain relief, it may be because the injection did not reach the source of pain or because your pain is not caused by your facet joints.



Your doctor can help you decide if a facet joint injection may be able to reduce your pain. They can also recommend alternative treatments to ease your symptoms.