
Choledocholithiasis(also called bile duct stones or gallstones in the bile duct) is the presence of a gallstone in the common bile duct. Gallstones usually form in your gallbladder. Thebile duct是从胆囊到肠道携带胆汁的小管。这gallbladder是你腹部右上方的肝脏下方的梨形器官。这些石头通常保持在胆囊中或通过普通胆管畅通无阻。


Gallstones in the bile duct may not cause symptoms for months or even years. But if a stone becomes lodged in the duct and obstructs it, you may experience the following:


When a gallstone is stuck in the bile duct, the bile can become infected. The bacteria from the infection can spread rapidly, and may move into the liver. If this happens, it can become a life-threatening infection. Other possible complications include biliary cirrhosis andpancreatitis

有两种类型的gallstones: cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones.


  • 太多的胆固醇
  • 胆红素太多了
  • not enough bile salts

这y may also occur if the gallbladder does not empty completely or often enough.


  • 肝硬化肝脏
  • 胆道感染
  • 肝脏的遗传性血液疾病使胆红素过多

有胆结石历史的人gallbladder disease有胆管石的风险。甚至让他们的胆囊的人仍然可以体验这种情况。


  • 肥胖
  • low-fiber, high-calorie, high-fat diet
  • pregnancy
  • prolonged fasting
  • 快速减肥
  • 缺乏体育活动


Risk factors you cannot change include:

  • 年龄:老年人通常具有更高的胆结石风险
  • 性别:女性更有可能有胆结石
  • 种族:亚洲人,美洲印第安人和墨西哥美国人对胆结石的风险较高
  • family history: genetics may play a role

If you have symptoms, a doctor will want to verify the presence of a gallstone in the common bile duct. He or she may use one of the following imaging tests:

  • takeabdominal超声波(摘要):一个图像放大ing procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to examine the liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, and pancreas
  • 腹部CT扫描: cross-sectional X-rays of the abdomen
  • 内窥镜超声(EUS):将超声探头插入柔性内窥镜管上并插入口腔以检查消化道
  • 内窥镜逆行胆管造影(ERCP): a procedure used to identify stones, tumors, and narrowing in the bile ducts
  • magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP): anMRI胆囊,胆管和胰管
  • percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (PTCA): anX射线胆管

Your doctor may also order one or more of the following blood tests to look for an infection and to check liver and pancreas function:

Treating gallstones in the bile duct focuses on relieving the blockage. These treatments may include:


If a stone does not pass on its own or cannot be removed with BES, doctors may use lithotripsy. This procedure is designed to fragment stones so they can be captured or passed easily.

Patients with gallstones in the bile duct and gallstones still in the gallbladder may be treated by去除胆囊。在进行手术时,您的医生还将检查您的胆管,检查剩下的胆结石。

If stones cannot be removed completely or you have a history of gallstones causing problems but do not wish to have your gallbladder removed, your doctor may place biliary stents (tiny tubes to open the passage). These will provide adequate drainage and help prevent future choledocholithiasis episodes. The stents can also prevent infection.



根据2008年study发表在这件事中Medical Clinics of North America, bile duct stones return in 4 to 24 percent of patients during the 15-year period after they first occur. Some of these stones may have been left over from the previous episode.