
Spring break started, and for many, never ended. COVID-19 lockdowns ushered us into summer, and most schools delayed reopening until the fall. While it might sound like a dream come true for a child, the reality isn’t so glamorous.

We aren’t vacationing. We aren’t hitting up the water parks. Heck, we aren’t even venturing out to the library or local playground. With the risk ofcoronavirus迫在眉睫的头顶,我们大多数人在家中花费尽可能多的时间。

Spending days on end at home was a novel idea —at first.We got to tackle long put-off projects, bake with the kids, take leisurely walks around the neighborhood, and really enjoy slowing down.


家庭如何继续练习安全physical distancing,在保持积极的生活方式的同时,也称为社会疏远?这是六项活动,父母可以一起做以保持健康,而今年夏天在家玩乐


是时候调高音乐,给孩子们扫帚,然后去cleaning。让每个人都参与其中 - 幼儿到青少年!委派适合年龄的琐事并使其变得有趣。


Just because school’s out doesn’t mean physical education needs to be. Thankfully with modern technology,您有很多选择为了在玩乐的同时保持孩子的身体健康 - 而且通常是免费的!

YouTube is a gold mine here. There are so many amazing channels that offer exercise videos, dance tutorials, wiggle breaks, and more.

一个few YouTube channels we love

  • GoNoodle | Get Moving.是的,伙计们,这里的标语确实是“移动”。Gonoodle提供了简短的舞蹈和动作视频,这些视频既有趣又引人入胜,并一定会吸引您的小孩子。
  • Kidz Bop.Kidz Bop is a household name for many. Now, they’re YouTube famous! They not only have videos of popular songs remade by kids, but they also have dance-along videos too.
  • 宇宙儿童瑜伽。Cosmic Kids Yoga works on flexibility and strength while keeping them engaged with stretching exercises set to exciting stories kids recognize and love.
  • P.E.和乔。This channel (The Body Coach TV) has a variety of videos, but we really love the P.E. with Joe series. They are fun, funny, and will keep the whole family fit!
  • Popsugar健身。PopSugar Fitness is not specifically for kids, but is a high-quality channel with a variety of great content to get mom, dad, and kids moving together.

Be sure to use the YouTube search bar for things like “family-friendly fitness,” “kids workout videos,” or “beginner yoga” and you’ll find more than you know what to do with. YouTube is truly a treasure trove of free exercise options for those of ALL ages.

If your kids love “American Ninja Warrior,” you know all about obstacle courses. It’s time to build your own at home.

Set up the kitchen chairs, couch cushions, pillows, blankets, and anything else you might have on hand and make your course as intricate and challenging as you’d like. Then, turn your kids loose and watch them go. Even better, take a turn yourself!

The best part about this is, you can do it every week and create a new course each time.

Want to do it up right? Make it a theme day.

  • 花时间绘制并设置您的课程。让您的崭露头角的设计师将其绘制在纸上(也要上色!)。
  • 然后,一旦设置了所有设置,就穿着最好的忍者战士穿着。成功的衣服!
  • 一旦每个人都穿着服装,请设置计时器并开始。轮流通过该课程,看看谁最终以最快的时间结束。
  • 一个fter you get it all cleaned up, let your kids participate in preparing a warrior-worthy meal. A fresh veggie tray, cubed cheese, deli meat, and crackers is simple, well-balanced, and quick to put together.
  • Lastly, cap off the night with an “American Ninja Warrior” marathon on TV. That screen time will be well deserved and enjoyed by all.


Is starting a garden on your list of “someday” projects? Make that day today!

Yes, this will likely require a quick run to the store for some basic supplies, but otherwise is an activity that can be kept up with at home. Plus, you’ll reap the rewards long after the COVID-19 quarantine is over.

Gardening is a good choice对于孩子们来说,因为它可以让他们享受新鲜空气,散发阳光并弄脏手。这些事情非常适合提高其免疫系统,建立运动技能并提供必要的感觉输入。



在家里花时间时,screen timeis likely happening more than you’d care to admit. There’s nothing wrong with that. Seriously, no judgment here — we do what we need to do to survive right now.

But, if you’re looking for a way to break up the day, board games are it! You can start a new family tradition (game nights for the win!) or you can use games that encourage physical activity to help your kids expend pent-up energy.

Some of our favorite classic games to get the body moving are Twister, hopscotch, Simon says, tag, and charades.




一个大自然步行can be as easy as wandering through the backyard with a zipper seal bag collecting “specimens” (e.g. twigs, leaves, and rocks) and listening to your toddler make observations about what they’re seeing. “The sky is blue? Why yes it is!” “You think that tree is really big? I agree with you!” “The grass feels scratchy on your bare feet? Why do you think that is?”


如果您想要更多的指导,可以找到免费的可打印物品all over the internet: scavenger hunts, coloring pages, writing prompts, drawing tutorials, and more.

这可以像您想做的那样简单或复杂。它可以量身定制以适合任何年龄 - 即使是大的孩子和成年人也可以在外面度过的时间欣赏周围的自然之美!

Now, more than ever,在外面度过的时间is crucial to one’s mental and physical health. Physical distancing is hard, and we need to find ways to keep active and maintain a semblance of normalcy for ourselves and for our kids.

重要的是要保持自己和家人交流tive while staying safe at home during the COVID-19 quarantine period. This can be done in a myriad of ways, but we’ve covered a few suggestions to get you going.

一个s states begin to reopen, be sure to maintain physical distancing guidelines set forth by local, state, and national authorities. Your options for physical activity will widen as restrictions begin to lift, but keep safety and health in mind above all else — yours and your surrounding community.

艾米·塞特福德(Amy Thetford)是一位自由作家和家庭教育妈妈,她的小部落是小人类的部落。她受到咖啡的助长,并渴望做所有人。这。事物。她在写有关母亲的所有事物的博客realtalkwithamy.com。在社交媒体上找到她@realtalkwithamy。