Dramamine is an over-the-counter motion sickness product. It helps prevent symptoms of motion sickness, including dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

在儿童中使用戏剧性是安全的older than 2 years,,,,as long as you follow the recommended dosage.


Dramamine is anantihistamine并含有一种称为二甘氨酸的药物。人们通常使用抗组胺药治疗过敏,但这些药物也可以帮助人们管理晕车症状。They are safe for use in both adults and children if following dosage instructions.

您可以给2岁以上的儿童戏剧化。如果你的孩子是younger than 2 years,,,,you should get approval from your child’s doctor before giving your child Dramamine.

Choosing a formula


原始配方奶酪包含50毫克(毫克)of dimenhydrinate per tablet, while Dramamine for Kids contains25毫克


You should give your child Dramamine30-60 minutesbefore they ride in a car or other moving vehicle.

Try the smallest recommended dose first. If that doesn’t help, increase the amount the next time you give your child a dose. You can give your child a dose every 6-8 hours as needed. Be sure you don’t give your child more than the maximum dosage listed on the package.

No matter your child’s age, it’s a good idea to check with their doctor before giving them this drug.

You keep your balance with the help of signals sent to your brain by other parts of your body, such as your eyes and inner ears. If these signals don’t match, you can get晕车

For instance, when your child travels in a car, they may sense motion in their inner ear. However, they may not be able to see the car’s movement because they can’t see out the window. This sends two different messages to their brain, which can cause nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness.

Dramamine helps prevent these symptoms by reducing the feeling of motion in the inner ear. It also blocks certain actions in the brain that triggernausea

像大多数药物一样,戏剧性can cause副作用。Dram的更常见的副作用amine in children can include:



在您的孩子开始服用戏剧性之前,告诉孩子的医生or pharmacist about any medications, vitamins, or herbs your child is taking. This includes over-the-counter medications. Providing this information can help the doctor or pharmacist prevent possible interactions.



  • looking out the window
  • closing their eyes
  • 避免阅读,看电影或玩游戏
  • 有少量小吃,例如饼干
  • 保持空气新鲜和凉爽
  • 吮吸汤
  • sitting in the front seat, but only if they’re足够老了,可以安全地这样做

If these steps don’t work, Dramamine may be a good option for your child. Talk with your child’s doctor or your pharmacist about using Dramamine.

For most children 2 years of age and older, Dramamine is a safe option for preventing motion sickness.

For a more natural approach, first, try the tips listed above.
