


Lack of response to loud sounds

Newborns and babies can’t tell you if they’re not hearing correctly. They also don’t respond to every stimulus the way we would expect.


Hearing loss

As children get older and are introduced to personal music devices, loud stereos, video games, television, and even noisy city streets, their hearing may be at risk.

根据疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的说法 12.5% of children ages 6 to 19 have permanent hearing damage due to exposure to loud noise.

Help keep noise at safe levels. When children are listening with headphones, never set the sound above half volume. The same goes for television, video games, and movies. Limit time spent around loud noises as much as possible.



If your baby never seems to focus on objects or they have a hard time finding close objects like your face or hand, let your pediatrician know. Watch for signs in school-age children like squinting, difficulty reading, or sitting too close to the TV.

If your child isn’t performing well in class, make sure to ask if they can see the blackboard. Many children are labeled “poor students” or “disruptive,” or are even diagnosed with ADHD, when they actually have unidentified poor vision. Constant eye rubbing is another sign of potential vision problems.

High fever and severe headache

Kids often run a fever due to illnesses like stomach viruses and minor infections. When a high fever is accompanied by a headache so severe that your child has a hard time keeping their eyes open, that’s a sign of a bigger problem.

See your pediatrician right away to rule out a more serious condition, such as meningitis. If untreated, meningitis can cause significant complications and, in severe cases, even death.


Abdominal pain

Stomach aches may seem common for some kids, especially as they work through new diets, try new foods, or have the occasional junk food overload.

Pain in the abdomen may signal a more serious issue if you notice an extra level of discomfort in your child, such as:

  • 右侧腹痛
  • vomiting
  • 腹泻
  • 触摸时胃部压痛

例如,这种类型的腹部疼痛可能表明诸如appendicitis。The key difference between appendicitis and a stomach virus is that in appendicitis, the stomach pain worsens over time.

Extreme fatigue

Extreme fatigue is a symptom that shouldn’t be ignored. If your child shows symptoms of fatigue or doesn’t seem to have their usual energy for an extended period of time, talk to your pediatrician.

极度疲劳可能有几种不同的原因。不要将这些抱怨作为深夜或青春期的症状。您的儿科医生可能会调查一系列可能性,包括贫血,吸收不良综合征, 和抑郁症


Breathing issues

根据疾病预防控制中心的说法 8% 美国的儿童患有哮喘。Telltale的迹象包括在演奏或运动时呼吸困难,呼气时的哨声,呼吸急促或从呼吸道感染中恢复困难。

Treatment doesn’t cure asthma, but it does help minimize symptoms or stop asthma attacks when they occur. If you notice your child is having breathing problems, talk to your pediatrician.



Slight fluctuations in a child’s weight are generally normal. But dramatic and otherwise unintended weight loss could be a sign of a problem.





According to the American Diabetes Association, about125万children and adults in the United States live with1型糖尿病。与老年人相比,它在儿童和年轻人中更常见。




Getting early treatment for a new health condition can make a big difference. Diagnosing and treating the condition can help prevent future complications. It can also potentially help your child to start feeling better sooner.