
When it comes to digestion, chewing is only half the battle. As food travels from your mouth into your digestive system, it’s broken down by消化酶这将其变成较小的营养素,您的身体很容易吸收。



Chemical and mechanical digestion are the two methods your body uses to break down foods. Mechanical digestion involves physical movement to make foods smaller. Chemical digestion uses enzymes to break down food.





How they work together

Once food particles reach your small intestine, the intestines continue to move. This helps keep food particles moving and exposes more of them to digestive enzymes. These movements also help to move the digested food toward the large intestine for eventual excretion.


化学消化breaks down different nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, into even smaller parts:

  • Fatsbreak down into fatty acids and monoglycerides.
  • Nucleic acidsbreak down into nucleotides.
  • 多糖或碳水化合物糖,分解成单糖。
  • 蛋白质break down into amino acids.


有些人可能缺乏化学消化中使用的某些酶。例如,有lactose intolerance通常不会生产足够的乳糖酶,即促进乳糖的酶,这是在牛奶中发现的蛋白质。



  • 舌脂肪酶。This enzyme breaks down triglycerides, a kind of fat.
  • Salivary amylase.这种酶分解了多糖,这是一种复杂的糖,是碳水化合物。


Here’s a look at some of the main stops on the digestive system involving chemical digestion:


在你的, unique chief cells secrete digestive enzymes. One is pepsin, which breaks down proteins. Another is gastric lipase, which breaks down triglycerides. In your stomach, your body absorbs fat-soluble substances, such as aspirin and alcohol.

Small intestine

Thesmall intestineis a major site for chemical digestion and absorption of key food components, such as amino acids, peptides, and glucose for energy. There are lots of enzymes released in the small intestine and from the nearby pancreas for digestion. These include lactase to digest lactose and sucrase to digest sucrose, or sugar.

Large intestine


化学消化is a vital part of the digestive process. Without it, your body wouldn’t be able to absorb nutrients from the foods you eat. While mechanical digestion involves physical movements, such as chewing and muscle contractions, chemical digestion uses enzymes to break down food.