
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the medical term for astroke。一个stroke is when blood flow to a part of your brain is stopped either by a blockage or the rupture of a blood vessel. There are important signs of a stroke that you should be aware of and watch out for.

seek medical attention immediately if you think that you or someone around you might be having a stroke. The more quickly you receive treatment, the better the prognosis, as a stroke left untreated for too long can result in permanent brain damage.

脑血管事故或中风有两种主要类型:缺血性中风is caused by a blockage; a出血中风is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel. Both types of stroke deprive part of the brain of blood and oxygen, causing brain cells to die.

Ischemic stroke

缺血性中风是最常见的,当血块阻断血管并防止血液和氧气进入大脑的一部分时,就会发生。有两种方法可以发生。一种方法是embolic stroke当凝块在您体内的其他地方形成并被扎在大脑的血管中时,就会发生这种情况。另一种方式是血栓形成中风,当凝块在大脑内的血管中形成时,它发生。


一个出血中风occurs when a blood vessel ruptures, or hemorrhages, and then prevents blood from getting to part of the brain. The hemorrhage may occur in any blood vessel in the brain, or it may occur in the membrane surrounding the brain.


stroke symptoms include:

  • difficulty walking
  • 头晕
  • 失去平衡与协调
  • 很难说话或理解其他人
  • numbness or paralysis in the face, leg, or arm, most likely on just one side of the body
  • 视力模糊或黑暗
  • 突然的头痛,尤其是伴随恶心,呕吐或头晕的时候

中风的症状可以随individual and where in the brain it has happened. Symptoms usually appear suddenly, even if they’re not very severe, and they may become worse over time.

Remembering the acronym “FAST” helps people recognize the most common symptoms of stroke:

  • F王牌:脸的一侧会下垂吗?
  • 一个RM:如果一个人将两只手臂伸出来,一个人会向下漂移吗?
  • s佩奇:他们的言语异常还是诽谤?
  • time: It’s time to call 911 and get to the hospital if any of these symptoms are present.

Healthcare providers have a number of tools to determine whether you’ve had a stroke. Your healthcare provider will administer a full physical examination, during which they’ll check your strength, reflexes, vision, speech, and senses. They’ll also check for a particular sound in the blood vessels of your neck. This sound, which is called a bruit, indicates abnormal blood flow. Finally, they will check your blood pressure, which may be high if you’ve had a stroke.

Your doctor may also perform diagnostic tests to discover the cause of the stroke and pinpoint its location. These tests may include one or more of the following:

  • Blood tests: Your healthcare provider may want to test your blood for clotting time, blood sugar levels, or infection. These can all affect the likelihood and progression of a stroke.
  • 一个ngiogram:一种血管造影,涉及将染料添加到血液中并摄取头部X射线,可以帮助您的医生找到被阻塞或出血的血管。
  • Carotid ultrasound: This test uses sound waves to create images of the blood vessels in your neck. This test can help your provider determine if there’s abnormal blood flow toward your brain.
  • CT扫描:经常在中风症状后不久进行CT扫描。该测试可以帮助您的提供者找到问题区域或可能与中风相关的其他问题。
  • MRI scan: An MRI can provide a more detailed picture of the brain compared to CT scan. It’s more sensitive than a CT scan in being able to detect a stroke.
  • 超声心动图:这种成像技术使用声波来创建您的心脏图片。它可以帮助您的提供者找到血块的来源。
  • 心电图(EKG):这是您心脏的电气追踪。这将有助于您的医疗保健提供者确定心律异常是否是中风的原因。

treatment for stroke depends on the type of stroke you’ve had. The goal of treatment for ischemic stroke, for instance, is to restore the blood flow. Treatments for hemorrhagic stroke are aimed at controlling the bleeding.


to treat an ischemic stroke, you may be given a clot-dissolving drug or a blood thinner. You may also be given aspirin to prevent a second stroke. Emergency treatment for this type of stroke may include injecting medicine into the brain or removing a blockage with a procedure.


For a出血中风,你可能会吃一种药,降低压力in your brain caused by the bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, you may need surgery to remove excess blood. It’s also possible that you will need surgery to repair the ruptured blood vessel.

有个恢复期after having any kind of stroke. The length of recovery varies depending on how severe the stroke was. You may need to participate in rehabilitation because of the stroke’s effects on your health, particularly any disabilities it may cause. This can include speech therapy or occupational therapy, or work with a psychiatrist, neurologist, or other healthcare professional.


  • 中风类型
  • how much damage it causes to your brain
  • how quickly you’re able to receive treatment
  • your overall health

the long-term outlook after an ischemic stroke is better than after a hemorrhagic stroke.

Common complications resulting from a stroke include difficulty speaking, swallowing, moving, or thinking. These can improve over the weeks, months, and even years after a stroke.

there are many risk factors for having a stroke, including糖尿病,,,,atrial fibrillation,,,,andhypertension(高血压)。


  • Maintain normal blood pressure.
  • Limit saturated fat and cholesterol intake.
  • 避免吸烟,并适度喝酒。
  • Control diabetes.
  • 保持健康的体重。
  • Get regular exercise.
  • 吃富含蔬菜和水果的饮食。
