Eating disorders can affect anybody, from adolescent girls to middle-aged men. Around30 millionpeople in the United States have an eating disorder, and this number includes many celebrities. Keep reading to learn about celebrities who have spoken up to let others with eating disorders know they’re not alone and to encourage them to seek help.

Demi Lovato has become an unofficial spokesperson for young women with eating disorders since being treated for bulimia and anorexia in 2010. She once said in an interview, “I lived fast and I was going to die young. I didn’t think I would make it to 21.” The outspoken role model is focusing on her overall health and fitness as part of her recovery process. She also uses her fitness routine to help manage her bipolar disorder.

When Paula Abdul began dancing at age 7, she began to feel insecure about her muscular frame. She began binging, purging, and over-exercising. She’s explained,“Whether I was sticking my head in the toilet or exercising for hours a day, I was spitting out the food — and the feelings.”She finally checked herself into a mental health clinic in 1994. She still relies on the help of nutritionists and therapists. Abdul has worked with the National Eating Disorders Association to encourage young women to seek help.

罗素品牌可能会因为他的蛮横声明而闻名,但演员和喜剧演员对他的斗争和作为少年的物质滥用的斗争。饮食障碍更常见于女性身上而不是男人,但是10数百万nmen are thought to have eating disorders in the United States alone. In an interview, Brand said, “It was really unusual in boys, quite embarrassing. But I found it euphoric.” Brand now talks about his sobriety and veganism and has helped raise money for drug addiction recovery programs.

2012年,Lady Gaga在她的网站上透露,她的小怪物是因为自15岁以来,她与厌食症和贪食症斗争。她张贴了她的体重增加和损失和共享照片的周期。她出生的方式基础将年轻人与资源连接,以帮助身体形象,欺凌,药物和酒精问题等等。非营利组织存在让挣扎的青少年知道他们并不孤单,并帮助创造一个更加富有同情心的世界。她继续鼓励有人努力与身体形象斗争,说:“这真的很难,但是......你必须与某人交谈。”

Singer Alanis Morissette struggled with anorexia when she was first trying to break into the music industry. She faced extreme pressure as a young woman in the public eye. Morissette overcame her eating disorder by seeing a therapist and now talks about her practice of mindfulness. She’s noted, “The big question for me around eating-disorder recovery is, ‘What is sobriety with food?’” She does yoga, journals, and meditates in order to lead a balanced lifestyle.

Popular blogger and Instagrammer Jordan Younger, also known as The Balanced Blonde, opened up in 2015 about her struggles with maintaining balance as a vegan. This type of eating disorder has a name:orthorexia。Orthorexia是一种无序的饮食模式,专注于食物,我们可能会认为健康和“纯粹”。Orthorexia目前不被认定为心理学家的临床疾病,但这种类型的无序饮食越来越普遍。

In an article published by Refinery29, Younger wrote, “Rather than admit my food phobia, I could just claim it was too hard to eat out as a vegan. Meanwhile, the cycle continued: I cleansed, got too hungry, broke down and ate solid food, felt terribly guilty, and rededicated myself to another cleanse — usually a longer one.”


Princess Diana spoke publicly about her issues with bulimia and self-mutilation in 1994. In her public speech, she said, “I am certain the ultimate solution lies within the individual. But, with the help and patient nurturing given by professionals, family and friends, people suffering eating disorders can find a better way of coping with their lives.” Her brave speech regarding her eating disorder and personal struggles gave many people the courage to start talking about their own eating disorders. Princess Diana fought to increase understanding about bulimia and helped bring public awareness to eating disorders.

埃尔顿约翰患有酗酒,药物滥用和贪食症的动荡史。他接受了药物成瘾和贪食症的治疗计划。For many years, it was difficult for him to acknowledge that he even had a problem, but as he told Larry King, “As soon as I said those words [‘I need help’], I knew that I was going to get better, and I was determined to get better.” He has also spoken about how much it helped to know that his close friend Princess Diana struggled with bulimia as well. Since then, he has embraced his body, sexual identity, and life. He now focuses his attention on his family and humanitarian work through the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Jane Fonda was one of the first famous women to speak openly about eating disorders. She revealed that she had struggled with bulimia since age 12, with cycles of binging, purging, and restricting. Fonda partly blames how she was raised for her eating disorder, saying,“I was taught to think if I wanted to be loved, I had to be thin and pretty. That leads to a lot of trouble.”她正在竞选提高对厌食症和贪食症的认识。通过公开谈论她30年与饮食障碍的战斗,她成为所有年龄段的女性的榜样。

饮食失调不总是如此公开addressed, but thanks to these vocal celebrities, they’re increasingly discussed and better understood. It’s important to seek help if you or someone you know may be struggling. Recognizing the disorder is the first step in寻找帮助