尽管种族或种族,breast canceris the most common type of cancer found in women in the United States. Tumors can often go unnoticed, and because of the hereditary nature of this cancer, lifestyle can often have little effect over the development of the disease. Because of this, no amount of fame or money can guard against the development of breast cancer. Though, getting a regular mammogram can significantly increase your chance of finding early signs of breast cancer in time for successful treatment.

Read about 15 prominent women who have experienced and overcome the disease, and are active in promoting cancer research and education.


幸运的是,对于消费物,她的医生确定了她的MRI发现了她的恶性肿瘤乳房图由于她的乳房的浓度,是不够的。癌症早早被抓到,因此它没有蔓延到她身体的其他部分。自从她的手术以来,Applegate表示,她的奉献精神使所有妇女获得MRIS和遗传检测的争取,作为保证预防措施。在接受采访中“The Oprah Winfrey Show“她说:



“这位好朋友告诉我一个觉醒的门户之一是让自己体验你的情绪,”乌鸦告诉Health Magazine2012年。“作为西方人,我们已经擅长抑制它们。它总是“尽量不要考虑它”或“保持自己忙碌”。你把所有的东西都推下来,它以其他方式表现出来,无论是压力还是疾病。所以当我觉得悲伤时,我的态度是悲伤,当我觉得害怕时害怕,当我觉得生气时生气。它还帮助我学会对人们说不。这真的很解放。“



诊断为2002年,她私下对待她的癌症乳房切除术和辐射之前公开宣布她的诊断和成为苏珊G. Komen乳腺癌基金会的大使2008年。她的母亲也是乳腺癌幸存者。

Australian pop star Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with early stagebreast cancer2005年在39岁时,在最初被清除后几个月 - 或误诊,她索赔 - 她的医生。


Four days after her diagnosis, Minogue had surgery and then began化疗。她已经癌症免费自从。


Unfortunately, in2017年5月,牛顿约翰的癌症回归,在骶骨上转移,伴有背痛的症状。她的下一步是在不久之后开始接受照片放射疗法。



“1 in 8 women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one,” she wrote.

Though this is her first diagnosis, she has in the past advocated for cancer research with the Livestrong Foundation, as well as supported environmental causes and green living.


后告诉多年来她b的肿块reasts were nothing to worry about, this American musician finally had the lumps removed, and they turned out to be cancerous. Lucky for her, the cancer hadn’t yet spread to her lymph nodes. She then received chemotherapy, and later had reconstructive surgery.

“It really changes an awful lot of things,” she told an interviewer atIndependent。“It allows you to grow a great deal because it makes you accept what’s new and different and maybe a little misshapen or not having testosterone and feeling hot flushes.”



“I was hairless,” Smith told an interviewer at电报。“我没有问题获得假发。我就像一个煮鸡蛋。“


虽然承认得到的breast cancerat her age changed her outlook on her future, she noted at the end of the interview:

“过去几年一直是一场注销,虽然我现在开始感受到一个人,”她说。“我的能量正在回来。s ***发生。我应该把自己拉到一下。“

美国女演员Suzanne Somers于2001年对她的第2阶段的乳腺癌诊断采取了整体方法,促使她的职业切换从娱乐世界开始激励讲话和健康的生活倡导。


Instead of following her surgery with chemotherapy, she famously declined treatment and instead used Iscador, a medicine made from mistletoe, which she injected daily for 10 years, and which she now attributes to her unwavering health.

此外,Somers适应了健康的饮食实践 - 她生长了自己的有机蔬菜 - 以及由瑜伽,走路和大腿和腿部练习组成的常规健身常规。她希望有自己的谈话表演。

“My success was and is self-evident. I’m alive. I’ve lived. I’ve thrived and have grown as a person. I’m now healthier than ever. Who can argue with that?”


Discussing the cancer’s affects with interviewer Dave Davies on NPR’s “Fresh Air” in 2016, Steinem noted:

“它让我意识到了几件事。一个是 - 如果我试图说它短暂,这可能听起来很奇怪 - 但实际上,我不是 - 我不太害怕死亡而不是老化 - 或者不是老化。我不知道如何进入生活中的最后三分之一,因为榜样很少,因为当我第一次听到这个诊断时,首先,我想,讽刺地,哦,所以这就是它将结束,你知道吗?然后我想到了自己,好像它从我最深处的地方兴起,我有一个美好的生活。我珍惜那一刻。你知道,这对我来说意味着很多。“



Still, Roberts has worked through her fears and has come out on the other side a changed, stronger person. She is now fully dedicated to her health, faith, and her loved ones.

“I’m not one of those people who say, ‘Cancer is one of the best doggone things that ever happened to me,’” Robin told an interviewer atGood Housekeeping2012年。“我很欣赏生活。但[疾病]让我比我生命中的患者更多。而且我和人一样。“

Revealing her diagnosis in a blog post, renowned children’s author Judy Blume wrote of the received news of her biopsy from her routine ultrasound:

“Wait – me?” she wrote. “There’s no breast cancer in my family (recent extensive genetic testing shows no genetic connection). I haven’t eaten red meat in more than 30 years. I’ve never smoked, I exercise every day, forget alcohol — It’s bad for my reflux — I’ve been the same weight my whole adult life. How is this possible? Well, guess what — it’s possible.”

At age 74, 6 weeks after her diagnosis, she received a乳房切除术,并指出它很快,造成了很少的痛苦。


已有2003年的卵巢癌幸存者,屡获殊荣的女演员Kathy Bates被诊断出来第2阶段乳腺癌2012年,她经历了双重乳房切除术,她也从中开发了淋巴米肿块,身体四肢肿胀。虽然没有治愈淋巴水肿,但物理治疗和体重减轻让她彻底帮助着她的副作用。

“我说,我加入了平坦的女性的行列。我没有乳房 - 那为什么我要假装就像我一样?那些东西并不重要。我只是感谢在研究中诞生的时候出生,让我生存。我感到非常幸运能活着。“



“我患有两只乳房,因为现在我有含有乳腺癌的零机会,”她在2011年告诉Ellen Degeneres。

Although a double mastectomy isn’t a 100 percent safeguard against a recurrence of breast cancer, it does significantly reduce the odds by about 90 percent.

Comedian Tig Notaro became famous for performing a transgressive comedy set in 2012 in which she revealed herbreast cancerto the audience right after she found out earlier that day.

“Is everybody having a good time?” she said right after she got up on stage. “I have cancer.”
