What is a carcinoembryonic antigen test (CEA)?

A carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test is a blood test used to help diagnose and manage certain types of cancers. The CEA test is used especially for cancers of the large intestine and rectum. Your doctor can also use the test results to help determine if a cancer treatment is working.

抗原是一种物质,由癌变tumor cells. Sometimes antigens are released into the bloodstream. The CEA test measures the amount of CEA in the blood. A high amount of CEA in your body after a cancer treatment or surgery suggests the cancer is not gone. It may also mean that the cancer has spread to other parts of your body.

Smoking can increase the amount of CEA in your body even in the absence of cancer. You should tell your doctor if you smoke.



Increased levels of CEA may be found in the following cancers:

The CEA test isn’t useful for diagnosing or screening the general population for cancer. It’s usually not used to screen or diagnose you if you’re healthy or aren’t showing any symptoms of a disease. But if someone has a familial genetic syndrome for colon cancer then it’s reasonable use CEA as a screening tool. These cases are rare.



  • A healthcare provider will clean the puncture site with an antiseptic. The site is usually in the middle of your arm, on the opposite side of the elbow.
  • 医疗保健提供者将在上臂周围缠绕弹性带,以帮助使静脉充满血液。
  • 然后将针插入静脉中以将血液收集到附着的小瓶或管中。
  • The band is unwrapped from your arm.
  • A laboratory will analyze your blood sample.


A normal level of CEA is less than or equal to 3 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). Most healthy people have levels below this amount.


当CEA高于3ng / mL时,会发生升高的CEA水平。这些水平被认为是异常的。具有许多类型癌症的人可以具有高于3 ng / ml的水平。如果您有值高的值,那并不意味着您有癌症。其他原因可能导致高于3 ng / ml的水平。这些可以包括:

Levels of CEA higher than 20 ng/mL are considered very high. If you have CEA levels this high and you also have symptoms of cancer, it strongly suggests the cancer has not been removed successfully after treatment. It may also suggest that the cancer has metastasized, or spread, to other parts of your body.

如果您在另外健康的情况下,吸烟可能会影响您的CEA测试结果。CEA通常升高,但吸烟的人中少于5 ng / ml。
