What is a carpopedal spasm?

Carpopedalspasmsare frequent andinvoluntary muscle contractionsin theandfeet. In some cases, the wrists and ankles are affected.

Carpopedal spasms are associated withcramping and tingling sensations. Though brief, thesespasms can cause severe pain.

Muscle contractionsin the body are normal. When they become chronic or recurrent, muscle spasms could be indicators of a more serious condition.

Carpopedal spasms are typically brief, but they can be painful and sometimes severe. Symptoms from this condition are similar to symptoms from normal muscle spasms. If you have a carpopedal spasm, you may experience symptoms including:

Some involuntary muscle contractions are normal and of no cause for concern. However, carpopedal spasms are often associated with anutrient imbalance, or they’re a symptom of a more serious condition.


Hypothyroidismis a condition in which thethyroid glanddoesn’t produce enough essential hormones for the body to function properly. This can cause you to experiencejoint pain,fatigue,depression, and muscle contractions. In more severe cases ofhypothyroidism, symptoms can be life-threatening.


People withanxietymay experiencehyperventilation. When youhyperventilate, youbreathefaster and deeper than normal. This can causecalcium levelsin your blood to decrease, and you can exhale significant amounts ofcarbon dioxideneeded for healthy blood flow.

In addition,hyperventilatingcan causelightheadedness, weakness,chest pain, and muscle spasms in the hands and feet.


Hypocalcemia, orcalcium deficiency, can lead to other health conditions includingosteoporosisandbone fractures.Calciumis essential for your overall health, and is also vital for muscle contraction.

Low calcium levels can spur carpopedal spasms as a warning sign. This reaction is usually followed by other symptoms includingbrittle nails, sensations in your fingers and toes, and patchy hair.


Tetanusis a bacterial infection that can cause painful muscle contractions. It can also cause your jaw to lock, making it difficult to open your mouth or swallow. If left untreated, tetanus can be fatal.

Treatment for carpopedal spasms depends on the underlying cause. For example, ifhypocalcemiais the primary cause, your doctor will prescribe calcium supplements.

Other possible treatment options to reduce pain and prevent carpopedal spasm episodes include:

  • Getting the tetanus vaccine.Though some接种疫苗can be controversial, thetetanus shotis essential in protecting you from this life-threatening bacterial infection. Check your medical records to ensure you have been vaccinated. You need to receive the tetanus booster shot every 10 years.
  • Stretching.Stretchingyour muscles can prevent spasms and can also relax your muscles. Engaging in regularphysical activitycan also strengthen your muscles.
  • Staying hydrated.Dehydrationcan cause muscle spasms and cramps. Stayinghydratedis important for overall health, but is especially essential for muscle strength and proper function.
  • Taking vitamin supplements.Nutrient imbalancecan trigger carpopedal spasms and affectbone health. Takingvitamin Dor calcium supplements can help replenish necessary nutrients within your body and improve blood flow. You can also receive these same nutrients throughvitamin-rich foodsandvegetables. Discuss your options with a dietician before taking supplements.

Carpopedal spasms are painful muscle contractions that can affect your quality of life. Sometimes they are indications of more serious conditions or disorders. However, this is a treatable condition.

With lifestyle changes and healthier habits, you can reduce spasm episodes and reduce pain. If you begin experiencing recurrent spasms and irregular pain, visit your doctor immediately.