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Carpal tunnel syndromeaffects millions of Americans each year, yet experts aren’t entirely sure what causes it. A combination of lifestyle and genetic factors are likely to blame. However, the risk factors are so diverse that nearly everybody has one or more of them at some point in their lives.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can causenumbness, stiffness, and疼痛在手指和手中。没有已知的方法来防止腕管,但有些练习可以减少体验症状的机会。

We spoke withJohn Diblasio,MPT,DPT,CSCS, a Vermont-based physical therapist, for exercise suggestions.

Here are three basic moves you can do any time of day. These stretches and exercises are simple and don’t require any equipment. You can easily do them at your desk, while waiting in line, or whenever you have a minute or two to spare.

“Problems like carpal tunnel are best addressed … with stretches done throughout the day,” says Dr. DiBlasio. Protect your wrists in just a few minutes a day with these easy movements.


  1. 从指尖开始,触摸并指向地板。
  2. Spread fingers apart as far you can, then “steeple” the fingers by separating palms of hands but keeping fingers together.


This is as straightforward as it sounds: Shake your hands like you’ve just washed them and are trying to air dry them.

“Do this for a minute or two every hour to keep flexor muscles of your hands and its median nerve from getting cramped and tight during the day,” he advises.

If that sounds like a lot, you could even integrate this into your handwashing routine. Youare经常洗手,对吧?如果没有,请使用您的腕管治疗作为另一个原因要更频繁地泡沫。

This last exercise is the deepest stretch of the set:

  1. Extend your arm in front of you, palm up.
  2. Bend your wrist back and point your hand toward the floor.
  3. With your other hand, gently bend your wrist farther until you feel the stretch in your forearm.
  4. 保持至少15到30秒。重复2到4次。

拉伸是任何健康常规的重要组成部分。您不必将您的方案限制在此列表中的练习中。身体的每个部分都可以从增加的增加循环, movement, and mobility that stretching can provide.

Speak with a doctor if you think you’re experiencing carpal tunnel. Prompt treatment may help relieve your symptoms and keep the syndrome from worsening. The exercises mentioned above should be only a part of your treatment plan. Other treatments for carpal tunnel could include:

  • 申请冷藏包
  • taking frequent breaks
  • 夹层your wrist at night
  • 皮质类固醇注射

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Your doctor may recommend surgery if these treatments don’t improve your symptoms.