What is carbon monoxide poisoning?


  • 加热器
  • 壁炉s
  • 汽车消声器
  • 太空加热器
  • 木炭烤架
  • 汽车发动机
  • 便携式发电机

Everyone is exposed to small amounts of carbon monoxide throughout the day. However, inhaling too much of it can cause CO poisoning.

CO can increase to dangerous levels when combustion fumes become trapped in a poorly ventilated or enclosed space (such as a garage). Inhaling these fumes causes CO to build up in your bloodstream, which can lead to severe tissue damage.

CO poisoning is extremely serious and can be life threatening. Call 911 immediately if you or someone you know shows signs of CO poisoning.

The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are:

  • 钝头痛
  • weakness
  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • confusion
  • 头晕
  • 呼吸困难


You should go to the hospital right away if you’ve been exposed to a source of CO, even if you don’t show symptoms of CO poisoning.


吸入过多的风险增加如果你’re near any of the following:

  • fuel-burning space heater
  • gas stove or stovetop
  • 热水器
  • 壁炉
  • idling car or truck in a garage or enclosed space
  • recreational vehicles with gas heaters


If you use these appliances in your home, you should place a CO detector near these appliances. It’s also important to avoid leaving your car running inside your garage or other enclosed spaces.

A doctor or nurse will take a blood sample to determine the amount of CO in your blood. Once CO levels increase to 70 parts per million (ppm) and above, symptoms become more noticeable. These symptoms may include nausea, dizziness, and unconsciousness.









Even minor cases of CO poisoning can cause serious complications. These may include:

  • brain damage
  • 心脏损伤
  • 器官损坏
  • death

Due to the seriousness of these potential complications, it’s important to get help as soon as possible if you believe you have CO poisoning.


  • 确保带有电器或燃烧气体,木材,丙烷或其他燃料的娱乐型汽车的区域有很多通风。
  • Buy a CO detector and place it in an area near the source of CO. Make sure to change the batteries regularly.
  • 不要入睡或在封闭空间中的空转汽车中坐了很长时间。
  • 不要在气体或煤油太空加热器附近睡觉。
  • 不要忽略CO中毒的症状。
