肺癌是 second most common type of cancer in the United States. Each year, more than 225,000 people receive a diagnosis of lung cancer.

虽然通常通过化学疗法和其他靶向疗法进行治疗,但较新的研究正在研究是否可以将大麻油用于治疗lung cancer

Several small, limited studies suggest it may help stop cancer growth. Meanwhile, the oil is already being used to manage cancer symptoms and the side effects of cancer treatments.

Read on to learn more about what cannabis oil can and can’t do when it comes to lung cancer.


Cannabis and hemp plants contain different cannabinoids. These are chemical components that have some effect on you when consumed.

两个最常见的大麻素是THC and CBD。Most tinctures, oils, and cannabis products today contain some ratio of THC and CBD.

THC is the one that produces the “high” most people associate with cannabis. CBD, on the other hand, is typically used for therapeutic purposes.


The main types of cannabis oil include:

  • CBD oil.这是一种非精神活性大麻产品。它不包含THC,因此不会产生“高”。CBD油因其治疗作用而受到珍视,包括缓解焦虑,疼痛和化学疗法的副作用。
  • Hemp-derived oil.Hemp is very similar to the cannabis plant, but it doesn’t have any THC. It can contain CBD, but its quality is usually considered inferior. Still, hemp-derived oil can be a good option if you live in an area that hasn’t legalized cannabis.
  • Marijuana-derived oil.从同一植物中提取的大麻油与干大麻叶和芽的含量更高。结果,它具有精神活性。
  • Rick Simpson oil (RSO).RSOcontains high levels of THC with little to no CBD.


Experts don’t have a definitive answer, but they’ve found some promising evidence over that last few decades.

例如, 1975 study reported that THC and another cannabinoid called cannabinol (CBN) slowed the growth of lung cancer in mice.

More recently, a2014 study发现THC和CBD可能有助于癌症细胞to respond better to radiation therapy. However, this study was performed in cells, not in animals or humans.

There’s also a2019 case reportabout a man who had lung cancer and declined conventional cancer treatment in favor of using CBD oil. His tumor appeared to respond to this alternative treatment.


Still, other research suggests cannabinoids may have a negative impact on cancer. In a2004 study,THC实际上增加了某些肺和脑癌细胞的生长速度。




  • pain
  • fatigue
  • 恶心
  • 焦虑
  • depression
  • headaches
  • nerve pain

Cannabis oil, including THC and CBD products, might also help manage the side effects of conventional cancer treatments, such as:

  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • pain
  • 食欲减少
  • fatigue

Cannabis oils are generally deemed safe, but they can cause some side effects of their own, especially those derived from marijuana.

大麻衍生的大麻油中的THC将产生精神活性的反应。这是“high” that’s commonly associated with marijuana use.


  • paranoia
  • 幻觉
  • disorientation
  • 焦虑
  • depression
  • irritability

Physical side effects are possible with THC products. They include:

  • dizziness
  • sleeping issues
  • 低血压
  • bloodshot eyes
  • 电动机控制受损
  • 反应时间缓慢
  • impaired memory
  • 食欲增加

The side effects are typically temporary and only last as long as the high remains. Generally, they don’t pose any long-term health risks. But they can be quite uncomfortable, especially if you aren’t used to them.


Hemp-derived cannabis oil isn’t known to cause any significant side effects, even at high doses. When people do have side effects, they tend to report diarrhea, stomach upset, and fatigue.

Cannabis oils are sold as concentrated liquid extracts. The chemicals and ratios of each cannabis oil vary. If you buy from a reputable seller, the ratios should be listed on the bottle.


Some cannabis oils can be vaped, but this can irritate your lungs. Plus, experts still aren’t sure about the long-term effects of vaping. Generally, vaping cannabis oil isn’t recommended if you have lung cancer.

In 2018, the United States removed hemp from its list of controlled substances.

This means that hemp-derived oils, which don’t contain THC but offer modest amounts of CBD, are more widely available. But not all states have updated their laws to reflect this federal change.

Marijuana-derived cannabis oil, on the other hand, is still illegal on a federal level. Some states have legalized or decriminalized it. In these states, you can find different types of cannabis oil at dispensaries, which are shops that sell cannabis products.


You can also talk with your doctor about dronabinol (Marinol). This pharmaceutical-grade THC medicine is often prescribed to help people manage chemotherapy side effects. It’s legal in the United States, even where marijuana is not.

There isn’t enough evidence to recommend cannabis as a treatment for cancer.

However, it may offer relief from cancer symptoms and traditional treatment side effects. Just make sure you study the laws in your area so you know your options.
