What is oral chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a treatment that’s designed to destroy cancer cells, no matter where they are in your body.

When you think about chemotherapy, you may envision needles, intravenous (IV) administration of drugs, and long hours in a doctor’s office or clinic. But many chemotherapy drugs come in oral form, either as a liquid you can drink or a tablet you can swallow.

Most people with cancer need more than one type of treatment. Other treatments may include surgery, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. You can take chemotherapy before, during, or after other treatments.

How much chemotherapy you need depends on the type of cancer you have, how far it has spread, and other health factors.

You and your doctor must consider many factors when deciding on oral versus traditional chemotherapy. This is how they compare on some key points:

口服化学疗法 传统的化学疗法
Convenience 您可以在几秒钟内将其带到家里,因此您的生活中断。 它需要去医生办公室或诊所进行可能需要数小时的治疗。随着时间的流逝,这可能会变得繁重。
Comfort It’s less invasive and causes little to no physical discomfort when you take it. Getting IV medications can be uncomfortable or even painful. It can take several hours and may increase your anxiety levels.
Compliance 您必须跟踪给药和管理,确保完全按照指示进行操作,通常每天几次。 Your healthcare team takes care of dosing and administration.
Cost 您的健康保险计划可能将其列为药房福利,而不是医疗福利。这可能会增加自付费用。 Major medical benefits usually cover it.

Not all chemotherapy drugs have an oral version, so it’s not always an option.


Some of the most common side effects of oral chemotherapy are:

  • trouble sleeping
  • 疲劳
  • general weakness
  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • a loss of appetite
  • diarrhea
  • weight loss
  • hair loss
  • 手指和脚趾甲改变
  • 口疮
  • bleeding gums
  • 皮肤变化
  • 低血分计数
  • neuropathy, or nerve damage
  • 缺乏月经时期
  • fertility problems
  • vulnerability to infection and illness due to a compromised immune system

Less common serious side effects include kidney damage and a weakened heart.

Not all chemotherapy drugs are available in oral form. Currently, there are dozens of oral cancer therapy drugs that treat a variety of cancers, including the following:

药物(通用名称) Cancer type
altretamine ovarian
capecitabine 乳房,结直肠
cyclophosphamide breast, ovarian, lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma
依托泊苷 小细胞肺癌

Doctors often prescribe chemotherapy drugs in combination.




  • What is each drug expected to do?
  • Exactly how should I take this medication? (You may be provided with a diary to keep track of times and doses.)
  • Can the pills be broken or crushed? Do they need to be taken with a meal?
  • 服用这种药物时我应该避免使用任何特殊的食物吗?
  • What should I do if I miss a dose?
  • 如果我服用后吐了怎么办?
  • How should I handle and store the drug?
  • What side effects can I expect from this drug, and what should I do if I have them? What are the warning signs of serious problems?
  • How often should I check in with your practice? When will I need blood tests or scans?
  • How long will I need to take it?
  • How will we know it’s working?




Make sure you understand your coverage so you’re not blindsided by bills. If you do have high out-of-pocket costs, these services may be able to help you:

知道什么about leftover oral chemotherapy drugs

You might be left with unused drugs when you finish treatment or if your treatment plan changes. These are powerful drugs, so you should never flush them down the toilet or sink. You also shouldn’t put them in the trash.

Check with your pharmacist or doctor’s office. Many will take them off your hands or let you know how to dispose of them properly.


  • over-the-counter or other prescription medications
  • herbal supplements
  • 某些食物
  • alcohol




When it comes to oral therapy, following directions and not skipping doses is key. It takes commitment to track your medications and take them on time and in the right dose. It also takes a lot of communication between you and your oncologist.

How effective your therapy is depends on:

  • the type of cancer
  • how far the cancer has spread
  • other treatments
  • your age
  • your overall health
  • 您的身体对治疗的反应程度如何
  • 副作用的严重程度

和你的医生谈谈what you can expect from oral chemotherapy.


  • Keep in mind that your immune system is not at its best, so you’re at a higher risk for infection and illness. Try to avoid people who have contagious conditions.
  • Your body is working hard, which means you need a good night’s sleep. If you’re fatigued, a few rest periods during the day can help.
  • 即使您的食欲很低,也不要停止进食。保持营养饮食将有助于您治愈和保持力量。
  • Getting a little exercise each day will help you feel better.
  • It’s okay to ask for and accept help with chores and tasks.
  • 您可以通过加入在线或面对面的癌症支持小组与他人分享经验和技巧。询问您的医生或去看 American Cancer Society 了解更多信息。