
Here are seven facts about hair loss from chemotherapy, including strategies to manage it.


In most cases, hair loss begins within two to four weeks of starting chemotherapy, according to theMayo Clinic。The degree of hair loss can vary, depending on the type and dose of chemotherapy drug given.


帮助你的头发长回来强,把它gently. In the early stages of hair growth, avoid coloring or bleaching it. It might also help to limit the use of hairdryers and other heating devices.



据A. 审查 published in the International Journal of Cancer, scalp cooling caps reduce the risk of hair loss in people undergoing chemotherapy. This study found that other treatments, including the use of minoxidil (Rogaine), were not effective.

有些人在穿头皮冷却帽或发现它们佩戴的磨损时,有些人在穿着头痛。一些研究表明,这些帽子可能会增加癌症的风险,以后患者将在头皮上发展,但最近 审查 在乳腺癌的研究和治疗中发表发现,乳腺癌幸存者中,头皮中的癌症复发率较低。如果人们戴着帽子,这是真的。

Shorter hair often looks fuller than longer hair. As a result, hair loss might be less noticeable if you have a short hairstyle. If you typically wear your hair long, consider cutting it before you begin chemotherapy.

After you start chemo, hair loss might make your scalp feel itchy, irritated, or sensitive. Shaving your head can help ease the discomfort. Many people also prefer the look of a cleanly shaved head to partial hair loss.

If you feel self-conscious about hair loss, wearing a head covering might help. From wigs to scarves to hats, there are many options. Such coverings can also protect your head from sunlight exposure and cold air.


If you have health insurance, it might partially or fully cover the cost of a wig. Consider calling your insurance provider to learn if the cost is covered. In order to receive reimbursement, you will probably need to ask your doctor for a prescription for a “cranial prosthesis.”

Some nonprofit organizations also help fund the cost of wigs for people in need. Ask your cancer care center or support group for more information about helpful resources.


You might also be interested in connecting with style experts who can help you manage appearance-related concerns. For example, theLook Good, Feel Better计划提供免费研讨会和其他资源,以帮助患有癌症的人们了解假发,化妆品,护肤和其他主题。

