A tumor is a growth of tissue that happens when cells in your body grow and divide at a faster rate than they would normally. When we think of tumors, we often think of cancer. However, not all tumors are malignant (cancerous).


Continue reading to learn more about these tumors, what symptoms they cause, and how they’re treated.

Adesmoid tumor是一种起源于结缔组织的良性肿瘤。结缔组织是有助于将器官固定在适当的组织的类型,并为您的肌肉,骨骼和韧带提供支撑。

Desmoid tumors do not metastasize, meaning that they cannot spread to other areas of the body. However, they can still grow into surrounding tissue. This can lead to potentially serious complications and make them harder to remove.

There are three types of desmoid tumors. These are classified by where in the body the tumor begins.

  1. 腹部肿瘤。腹部脱粒肿瘤是在腹壁中形成的肿瘤。腹壁包括包围腹腔的组织,其中许多内脏所在。
  2. Intra-abdominal tumor.这些脱粒肿瘤在连接腹腔内器官的组织中形成。
  3. 腹外肿瘤。These desmoid tumors occur in connective tissue found in other areas, such as the shoulders, upper arms, and thighs

As a whole, desmoid tumors are rare, affecting only 每100万人2至4个人 人,仅占所有肿瘤的0.03%。据估计 37 to 50 percent 脱粘性肿瘤的腹部开始。

The symptoms that you experience with an abdominal desmoid tumor can vary depending on such factors as:

  • 肿瘤的大小
  • where exactly it’s located
  • how fast it’s growing

If you have an abdominal desmoid tumor, you may notice a肿胀或肿块on your abdomen. This lump typically feels firm and can sometimes be painless.

However, as the tumor grows, it can begin to affect surrounding tissues, such as muscles and nerves. When this happens, an abdominal desmoid tumor can become very痛苦。This can interfere with sleep and other daily activities.

Additional symptoms of abdominal desmoid tumors typically arise due to complications, which can be potentially serious. See below for more information on potential complications.






可能发生的另一个并发症是ureter obstruction这是从肾脏到膀胱的管道被堵塞的时候。这可能会导致肾脏损伤,并可能引起腹部疼痛等症状尿量减少

Don’t hesitate to contact a doctor if you’re experiencing these symptoms.




Desmoid tumors, particularly abdominal desmoid tumors, also happen more often in people with a genetic condition called familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). FAP is associated with the development of cancers in thecolon and rectum


  • 出生时被分配
  • 年轻的年龄,峰值发生在30至40岁之间
  • pregnancy
  • 暴露于高水平的雌激素
  • 以前的腹部受伤或手术



They will then order imaging tests to get a look at the tumor, its size, and where it’s located. Several different types of imaging technology may be used, including:



治疗is typically initiated when an abdominal desmoid tumor is causing symptoms or is steadily growing larger.





  • 化学疗法。化学疗法药物靶向并破坏迅速生长的细胞,例如在肿瘤中发现的细胞。某些类型化学疗法可以有效地抵抗脱粘性肿瘤。
  • 有针对性的疗法。Targeted therapy drugs disrupt specific proteins important for tumor growth. Pazopanib (Votrient)和索拉非尼(Nexavar) are two targeted therapy drugs that may benefit people with desmoid tumors.
  • Radiation.该治疗方法涉及使用高能辐射破坏肿瘤细胞。Radiationmay also be used to remove remaining tumor cells following surgery. This is called adjuvant therapy.
  • 激素疗法。因为脱粘性肿瘤的生长似乎与激素,特别是雌激素,激素治疗,例如tamoxifen可能有助于脱粒肿瘤。
  • 非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)。一些NSAID努力抑制参与脱粘性肿瘤生长的途径,可用于治疗脱粘性肿瘤。示例包括苏莱达克美洛昔康


  • 肿瘤的大小
  • how fast it’s growing
  • where in your abdomen it’s located
  • 是否可以通过手术去除


For example, a 2014年研究 研究了50个人接受了手术治疗腹部脱粒肿瘤。它发现,在6年的中位随访期间,有50人中有46人(92%)仍然没有肿瘤。但是,重要的是要注意,复发仍然有可能。当无法切除所有肿瘤时,尤其如此。

Overall, your doctor can give you the best information on your outlook and what to expect from treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to discuss them.

Abdominal desmoid tumors are benign tumors that originate from connective tissue. They can sometimes grow into surrounding tissue, which can lead to potentially serious complications.
