Taking a bath on your period isn’t just safe, it’s also good for you.

Clear your head of any urban myths you’ve heard about bathing or washing while on your period, and read on to see why you can (and should) take a bath when Aunt Flo’s in town, if you so desire.

有很多的时期神话across cultures that have been passed down through generations Many of them stem from menstruation having once been seen as taboo or dirty. In some cultures, it still is.

关于洗澡可以为您的流动做什么的神话。例如,有些人认为在热水中洗澡或淋浴会流血heavier。Another popular myth is that being in水停止您的月经

Is there any truth to these? There’s no evidence that taking a bath can impact your flow, but we asked an expert to be sure.

“No, taking a bath cannot affect the flow of your period,” says Lucky Sekhon, MD, a medical expert at弗洛and生殖内分泌学家在纽约的RMA。

“Being immersed in water can present an illusion that the flow has stopped when really it is merely diluted due to the surrounding bath water. Your lining of your uterus continues to break down and shed, whether immersed in water or not,” Sekhon explains.

As for the hot water theory, the heat增加血液循环。从理论上讲,这可以使血液更加自由,但是没有证据表明当您在热水中沐浴时,您会经历较重的出血。

当我们这样做时,这里还有其他一些时期和与沐浴有关的神话。无论您的祖母告诉您什么,以下几个都不 *是正确的:

  • 沐浴或淋浴对您的月经和生育能力产生负面影响。
  • 您无法在月经期间洗头,因为它会掉下来或卷曲。
  • 您必须在一段时间的第一天洗头。
  • When you get your first period, you must wash your face with your first period blood for a lifetime of clear skin.
  • You should avoid going in water entirely during your period, including baths, showers, pools, open water, etc.


虽然某个时期和沐浴神话听起来无害,但它们对menstrual hygienecan have potentially serious health implications.


It’s also a good way to preventfunky odorsdown there.


A hot bath can help you unwind and relax tense muscles, providing some natural relief from抽筋and other period症状, 喜欢headaches和低背疼。Taking a睡觉前的热水can also help you sleep better.

他叫t therapy to治疗时期抽筋isn’t new. Applying local heat can relax your abdominal muscles and reduce tension, which may help with other period pain, like backaches and headaches.


If your periods affect your船尾和原因便秘andgas, that increased blood flow may also help get things moving again. And since we’re talking constipation, a warm bath can help if you have hemorrhoids, which are a common side effect of constipation and straining on the toilet.

What about it? Sure, it can be a little unsettling to sit in a tub of bloody water, but period blood isn’t just straight blood. It’s also not “dirty”. It actually contains very little blood and is a combo of other vaginal secretions and cells from the uterine lining.

如果您不想吸收它,有多种方法可以防止洗澡成为字面上的血液,就像穿着tampon或amenstrual cupordiscwhile you bathe.

If you haveheavy periodsor would just rather take a bath on your period, a shower is a great alternative.

如果您不想处理卫生棉条或月经杯或碟片,则可以使血液中的血液脱水。但是,就像在淋浴中撒尿, bleeding in the shower is typically NBD. Any blood that comes out will just make its way down the drain with the water.


At the end of the day, good period hygiene can keep you feeling (and smelling) fresh and help prevent skin irritation and infections.

Adrienne Santos-Longhurst是一位总部位于加拿大的自由作家和作家,他已经为健康和生活方式的所有事物写了十多年的文章。当她在写作中没有陷入研究时研究文章或不采访卫生专业人员时,她可以发现她在海滩小镇周围嬉戏,丈夫和狗拖着拖着或在湖上飞溅,试图掌握站立式桨板。