
链球菌喉咙是a highly contagious infection. It causes swelling of the tonsils and the throat, but you can still get it even if you don’t have tonsils. Not having tonsils may reduce the severity of this infection. It may also reduce the number of times you come down with strep.

如果你经常得到strep throat,您的医生可能建议您去除扁桃体。此过程称为tonsillectomy。它可以帮助减少您获得的链球菌喉咙病例的数量。但是,这并不意味着没有扁桃体会使您完全免于链球菌的喉咙。

链球菌喉咙是a bacterial infection. It’s derived fromStreptococcus细菌。感染通过唾液传播。您不必直接碰到链球菌性喉咙的人。如果有人感染咳嗽或打喷嚏,它可能会在空中传播。由于缺乏洗手,它也可以在常见表面之间传播。

Having tonsils doesn’t mean you’ll get strep throat, just as not having tonsils doesn’t make you immune to this infection. In both cases, exposure to the strep bacteria puts you at risk.

People who have their tonsils are at an increased risk for more frequent cases of strep throat. This is especially true in children. Not having tonsils could decrease the chances that the bacteria will grow in the throat. Also, your symptoms may not be as severe if you don’t have tonsils.


  • swelling and redness of your tonsils
  • 红色和白色的喉咙内的斑块
  • white patches on your tonsils
  • 发烧
  • 吞咽困难或疼痛
  • nausea or stomachache
  • rashes
  • headaches
  • tenderness in the neck from swollen lymph nodes



  • 发烧
  • headache
  • 淋巴结肿大
  • 吞咽困难


如果您的嘴里有这些斑块,您的医生可能会从喉咙后部擦拭一个液体样品。这也称为快速链球菌测试because the results are available within15分钟

积极的结果意味着您可能have strep. A negative result means you likely don’t have strep. However, your doctor may send the sample out for further evaluation. At this point, a lab technician looks at the sample under a microscope to see if any bacteria are present.


Sore throats caused by viral infections resolve on their own with time and rest. Antibiotics can’t treat viral infections.


链球菌喉咙是highly contagious, so prevention is key. Even if you no longer have your tonsils, encountering others with strep throat puts you at risk of catching the infection.


It’s important to practice good hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Doing so can help maintain a healthy immune system. You should:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • 避免触摸你的脸。
  • 如果您知道有人生病,请考虑戴口罩来保护自己。
  • 获得足够的睡眠和运动。
  • Eat a well-balanced diet.

If you have strep throat, stay home from work or school until your doctor says you’re in the clear. This way, you can help prevent the infection from spreading to others. It may be safe to be around others if you’ve been on an antibiotic and至少无烧24小时。

链球菌喉咙是an uncomfortable and highly contagious illness. If you’re thinking about getting a tonsillectomy because of frequent cases of strep throat, talk to your doctor. Removing your tonsils won’t prevent strep throat in the future, but it can help reduce the number of infections you do get.