


重量 2.0 mph 2.5 mph 3.0 mph 3.5 mph 4.0 mph
130磅。 148 Cal。 177 Cal。 195 cal. 224 Cal。 295 Cal。
155磅。 176 cal. 211 Cal。 232 cal. 267 cal. 352 cal.
180 lbs. 204 Cal。 245 cal. 270 cal. 311 cal. 409 Cal。
205磅。 233 cal. 279 Cal。 307 cal. 354 Cal。 465 Cal。

这se calculations are based on an hour of walking on flat surfaces, like sidewalks. Walking uphill for an hour increases your burn dramatically.

重量 3.5 mph - 平面 3.5英里 /小时 - 上坡
130磅。 224 Cal。 354 Cal。
155磅。 267 cal. 422 Cal。
180 lbs. 311 cal. 490 Cal。
205磅。 354 Cal。 558 Cal。


Most calculators you find online take more into account than just your weight and walking pace. They use a calculation that factors in your basal metabolic rate, or BMR (age, sex, height, and weight), exercise intensity (METs), and the duration of your exercise session.

equation是:calories burned = BMR x METs/24 x hour

For example:

  • 一名体重150磅的35岁妇女身高5英尺5英寸(BMR = 1,437),以3.0 mph(3.5 MetS)的步行60分钟,将燃烧210卡路里的卡路里。
  • 一个重200磅,5英尺10英寸(BMR = 1,686)的35岁男子,以3.0 mph(3.5 mets)的步行60分钟(60分钟)步行60分钟,将燃烧246卡路里的卡路里。


  • Try incorporating rolling hills into your walking route or walking on an incline on a treadmill.
  • If you can’t maintain a brisk pace for your entire workout, consider walking intervals where you have hard effort mixed with recovery periods. For example, warm up at a 2.0 mph pace. Then for the rest of your walk, alternate a minute at a pace of 3.5 to 4.0 mph with one or two minutes at 2.0 mph.
  • 脚上更多的时间会增加卡路里的燃烧。不过,您可能会发现在工作周期间很难参加更长的步行课程。尝试在周末(例如一个小时或更长时间)进入一些更长的散步。
  • 戴背包或远足也可能会燃烧。例如,一个155磅的人大约燃烧267卡路里在平坦的表面上以中等(3.5 mph)的速度行走一小时。那个人可以燃烧439卡路里一个小时穿着重量的背包,一小时远足一条更山的小径。
  • 一旦你走亲,你甚至可能想广告d some jogging to your routine. Try a walk/jog approach, where you warm up with walking and alternate bursts of jogging with walking to recover.


Did you walk on a treadmill? Write down your time, distance, and pace in a notebook or an Excel spreadsheet. Looking back on all your steps is a great way to stay motivated.

Now you just need to figure out where to walk. Start by trying a loop around your own neighborhood. Sites likeMAPMYWALK可以通过共享其他人在您所在地区行走的位置来帮助您找到附近的路线。您甚至可以下载一个可以帮助您登录里程并保持正轨的应用程序。快乐的踪迹!