Butterfly stitches, also known as Steri-Strips or butterfly bandages, are narrow adhesive bandages that are used instead of traditional针迹(缝合线)关闭较小的浅切口。

These adhesive bandages aren’t a good choice if the cut is large or gaping, has ragged edges, or won’t stop bleeding.



There are specific aspects of a wound that do or do not make it a good candidate for butterfly stitches. When considering whether to use butterfly stitches to close a wound, you’ll first want to:

  • Assess the edges.蝴蝶针可有效地将干净的边缘固定在一起浅切。如果您的边缘有刮擦或切割,请考虑更大的绷带或液体绷带。
  • Assess the bleeding.使用干净的布,毛巾或绷带施加压力5分钟。如果切口继续流血,则应寻求医疗护理。
  • Assess the size.If the cut is too long or too deep, butterfly stitches aren’t the best treatment. Butterfly stitches shouldn’t be used for cuts比1/2英寸长

1. Clean the wound


  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Use cool water to rinse your cut, flushing out dirt and debris.
  3. 用肥皂和水轻轻清洁切割周围的皮肤,然后干燥区域。蝴蝶针可以更好地粘在干净干燥的皮肤上。



  1. Close the cut by holding its edges together.
  2. Position the butterfly stitch across the middle of the cut to hold the edges together, not lengthwise.
  3. Stick half the bandage on one side of the cut.
  4. Bring the other half over the cut, tight enough to hold the edges of skin together, and stick it to the other side of the cut.
  5. 将更多的蝴蝶针缝在切口上 - 在第一个条上方和下方交替,相距约1/8英寸,直到您感觉到切口的边缘被充分地固定在一起。
  6. 考虑将绷带放在切割的每一侧,水平运行到切口,在蝴蝶针的末端,以帮助将它们固定在适当的位置。

If you have a cut that’s been closed with butterfly stitches, follow these care instructions while the wound is healing and before you remove the stitches:

  • Keep the area clean.
  • Keep the area dry for the first 48 hours.
  • 48小时后,除了洗澡或洗涤外,保持区域干燥。
  • 如果蝴蝶针迹边缘松动,请用剪刀修剪它们。拉开它们可以重新打开切口。

According to theUniversity of North Carolina, if the butterfly stitches are still in place after 12 days, they can be removed.


传统的stitchesare the preferred option for wound closure in some circumstances. These include:

  • 大切口
  • 张开的割伤
  • cuts that are on a curved area or an area that moves a lot, such as a joint (the bandages will not be able to properly hold the skin in place)
  • cuts that don’t stop bleeding
  • cuts where fat (yellow) is exposed
  • 割伤肌肉(深红色)的切割


If you’ve applied butterfly stitches, you should see your doctor if:

  • The cut doesn’t stop bleeding. Continued bleeding is an indication that butterfly stitches might not have been the best treatment choice.
  • 切割变成红色,肿胀或更痛苦。这可能是感染的迹象

Butterfly stitches are narrow adhesive bandages that are used to close small, shallow cuts.

They’re used instead of stitches by medical professionals and can be applied at home under the right circumstances.