


There’s no cure for pemphigoid, but there are various treatment options.

所有类型的猪眼是由免疫系统攻击健康组织引起的。他们出现了鲁莽and填充流体的水泡。The types of pemphigoid differ in terms of where on the body the blistering occurs and when it occurs.


In cases of bullous pemphigoid — the most common of the three types — the skin blistering happens most commonly on the arms and legs where movement occurs. This includes the areas around the joints and on the lower abdomen.

CicaTricial Pemphigoid.

CicaTricial Pemphigoid., also called mucous membrane pemphigoid, refers to blisters that form on the mucous membranes. This includes the:

  • mouth
  • eyes
  • nose
  • 生殖器



当怀孕期间或不久发生起泡时,它被称为Pemphigoid Gestationis。虽然它与疱疹病毒无关,但它被称为疱疹妊娠。

The blistering typically develops during the second or third trimester, but may occur at any time during pregnancy, or up to six weeks after delivery. Blisters tend to form on the arms, legs, and abdomen.



  • 某些药物
  • radiation therapy
  • ultraviolet light therapy

People with other autoimmune disorders are found to be at a higher risk for developing pemphigoid. It’s also more common in the elderly than in any other age group, and seems to occur slightly more in women than men.

The most common symptom of pemphigoid is blistering that occurs on the arms, legs, abdomen, and mucous membranes.Hivesand瘙痒也很常见。泡罩具有某些特性,无论它们的身体都在哪个位置:

  • 在水疱之前发出红色皮疹
  • 水泡很大并充满了通常清晰的流体,但可能含有一些血液
  • 水泡很厚,不易破裂
  • 水疱周围的皮肤可能看起来正常,或略微红色或黑暗
  • 破裂的水泡通常是敏感和痛苦的

您的皮肤科医生will be able to make a fairly firm diagnosis simply by examining your blisters. Further testing will be needed to prescribe the right treatment.

您的doctor may want to perform askin biopsy, which involves removing small samples of skin from the affected areas. Lab technicians will test these samples for the immune system antibodies characteristic of pemphigoid. These antibodies can also be detected in your blood, so you may need to have a small sample of blood drawn.

Pemphigoid.cannot be cured, but treatments are usually very successful at relieving symptoms. Corticosteroids, either in pill or topical form, will likely be the first treatment your doctor prescribes. These medications reduce inflammation and can help to heal the blisters and relieve itching. However, they can also cause significant side effects, especially from long-term use, so your doctor will taper you off of the corticosteroids after the blistering clears up.


