
胸部打击后,经常发生瘀伤的肺。钝的撞击会损害血管,导致血液和构建流体up in your lungs. Too much肺中的液体可以减少身体收到的氧气量。肺部挫伤是肺部最常见的肺部受伤,那些胸部钝性创伤的人。


肺部挫伤通常是直接打击或胸部创伤的结果。汽车事故和跌倒是肺瘀伤的最常见原因。运动伤害或身体攻击也可能是其他原因。大于超过的严重并发症的风险最高 20% 肺部已被瘀伤。

Serious complications include respiratory infections, deep lung infections, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). These conditions are often accompanied by low oxygen levels as well.


A pulmonary contusion often shows few symptoms in the beginning. Pain is the most common symptom. If your pain is not improving or getting worse within three days or is accompanied byshortness of breath,寻求立即医疗护理。

Signs and symptoms you may experience with a bruised lung can include:

More severe signs and symptoms of a pulmonary contusion can include:

Any of these symptoms should prompt you to seek immediate medical care.

Blunt impact to the chest can bruise your lungs and cause a number of other problems. Common injuries that can occur alongside a lung contusion include:

  • broken ribs
  • 肺撕裂或撕裂
  • 脊柱骨折
  • blood in the chest cavity (hemothorax)
  • 塌陷的肺(气胸)
  • injuries to abdominal organs



The primary goal of treatment is to increase oxygen flow and reduce pain. Time is needed for the lung tissue to heal. There is no specific medication or treatment currently known to speed up the healing process of a lung contusion.

医生通常建议氧疗法to ease breathing. If you are unable to breathe on your own, they may put you on a ventilator to assist your lungs in breathing regularly.

Your doctor may also prescribe medication to reduce pain and bruising to the lungs. If there is any肺中的液体,您可能需要各种治疗方法,包括呼吸支持,例如BiPAP或CPAP来增加氧气流量。

回家后,深呼吸练习can improve airflow through your lungs and help speed your recovery.

An intense blow to the chest or sudden impact can cause a bruised lung (pulmonary contusion). Pain and injury can range from minor to severe. If accompanied by shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. Any significant trauma to the chest, such as a car accident or fall, should be evaluated in the emergency room to assess the extent of injury.
