
Bronchospasm is a tightening of the muscles that line the airways (bronchi) in your lungs. When these muscles tighten, your airways narrow.

Narrowed airways don’t let as much air come in or go out of your lungs. This limits the amount of oxygen that enters your blood and the amount of carbon dioxide that leaves your blood.

Bronchospasm often affects people with asthma and allergies. It contributes to asthma symptoms like wheezing and shortness of breath.


  • wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe)
  • chest pain or tightness
  • coughing
  • fatigue

Any swelling or irritation in your airways can cause bronchospasm. This condition commonly affects people with asthma.

Other factors that can contribute to bronchospasm include:



  • Spirometry.你breathe into a tube that’s connected to a device called a spirometer. The spirometer measures the force of the air as you breathe in and out.
  • 肺量测试。This test measures how much oxygen your lungs can hold.
  • Lung diffusion capacity.您通过管子向外呼吸,以了解氧气流入血液的程度。您的医生还可能测试您的血红蛋白水平 - 一种有助于血液中氧气的蛋白质。
  • 脉搏血氧仪。A device is clipped onto your finger to measure the oxygen level in your blood.
  • Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation.This test is used to diagnose exercise-induced bronchospasm. You breathe in a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide to simulate breathing during exercise. Your doctor will see if breathing in this mixture affects your lung function.

你might also have one of these tests:

  • Chest X-ray.你r doctor will use this to look for pneumonia or other signs of infection.
  • CT scan.This test uses X-rays to look for problems in your lungs.


  • Short-acting bronchodilators.These medicines are used for quick relief of bronchospasm symptoms. They start working to widen the airways within a few minutes, and their effects last for up to four hours.
  • Long-acting bronchodilators.这些药物可以使您的气道持续长达12个小时,但需要更长的时间才能开始工作。
  • 吸入类固醇。These drugs bring down swelling in your airways. You can use them for long-term control of bronchospasm. They also take longer to start working than short-acting bronchodilators.
  • 口服或静脉注射类固醇。These may be required if your bronchospasm is severe.

If you get exercise-induced bronchospasm, take your short-acting medicine about 15 minutes before you work out.



  • Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before you exercise, and cool down for 5 to 10 minutes afterward.
  • If you have allergies, don’t exercise when the pollen count is high.
  • 全天喝大量的水以松开胸部的任何粘液。
  • Exercise indoors on very cold days. Or wear a scarf over your nose and mouth when you go outside.
  • If you smoke, ask your doctor for advice to help you quit. Stay away from anyone who is smoking.
  • 如果您65岁或以上,或者患有慢性肺部疾病或免疫系统问题,请在肺炎球菌和流感疫苗上保持最新状态。

Call your doctor if you have symptoms of bronchospasm that limit your daily activities or don’t clear up in a few days.


  • you have a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher
  • 您正在咳嗽很多深色的粘液

Call 911 or go to an emergency room if you have these symptoms:

  • chest pain when you breathe
  • coughing up bloody mucus
  • 麻烦呼吸
